You Do Yoga October 2011 Newsletter

by inju

Article by Matt Eshleman, ERYT500

Happy October Yogis and Yoginis - We hope you had a great summer, fall is definitely in the air! As the days shorten and we shift into hibernation mode, remember that the best cure for the winter blues is not to get them in the first place. Keep your body healthy and your mind happy by keeping your practice steady.

October schedules for both locations are on the website, but we would like to point out a few important changes. We are beginning an 8-week Pre-natal Yoga series at 10am Sunday October 2nd at our Anderson Township location. Our kids yoga class at the downtown location is being discontinued, but we are shaping plans for Kids yoga classes to begin in November at our Anderson Township studio. Most likely the class will take place at Noon on Sundays, but we are still seeking feedback before we finalize the November schedule. You can drop us a line by way of our website.

One of our newest class offerings, an uplifting combination of Yin Yoga and review of essential yogic scriptures we call "Yoga and Philosophy" (weekly, Mondays at 7pm) will now be complemented by a monthly workshop focusing on the philosophical texts of Eastern mystical traditions. On the first Saturday of every month starting Oct 1st, we will gather to review and discuss the themes of the previous month. Availability will be limited, Drop-ins may find space but online Pre-registration is encouraged.

Some of you may have been following the developing combination of Acrobatics, Yoga, and Thai Massage that has been creeping into the limelight at You Do Yoga's more casual events. By popular demand, donation-based open Acro-Yoga Jams will now take place on the second Saturday of each month at Anderson Township, and every Final Friday 7:30-9:30pm at our Downtown Studio, following our "Don't Worry, Be Happy-Hour", 5:30-7pm Laughter Yoga with Hasya Yogi phenomenon Patrick Welage.

The deadline to register for our 2012 Yoga Teacher Training Program is quickly approaching! If you are interested in becoming a ! certifie d yoga teacher or deepening your personal practice, there are many options to choose from. We believe that our program is unique for several reasons: We do not just teach you a single yoga routine or rigid style. We focus on understanding principles of anatomy and individual differences that will allow you to teach any style you choose. We explore yin yoga, taoist yoga, ashtanga vinyasa yoga, meditation and philosophy. Enrollment is by acceptance only, and you must speak with the director of teacher training before November 1st. For complete details and schedule visit

Yoga Nidra will now be offered at least once a month at each You Do Yoga location. This month, sessions will be held October 15th at 4pm in Anderson, and October 23rd and 30th at 6pm Downtown. See the website for more information:

September's Family Yoga and movie night was such fabulous fun that we are doing it again! Mark your calendar for Saturday November 5th at 7pm. We will begin with an all-ages (kids and adults too!) yoga practice followed by a child-friendly movie. Feel free to bring beverages and snacks for the movie, and be prepared for fun! Donations will be gratefully accepted but this event is open to all!

Starting Sunday, October 2nd at Noon we will be holding a donation-based meditation class at both our Anderson Township and Downtown studios. For the month of October all donations will go to assist Logan Dunbar, our dear friend and fellow yoga teacher who needed facial surgery after being assaulted a few weeks ago. Please, stop in and sit with us for a little while, we know it will do both you and Logan some good. We will also have a spot on our website by this Sunday where you can make donations to help Logan.

We are now offering Aikido at our Anderson Township Studio twice a week. Aikido is a martial art that focuses on avoiding or neutralizing an attacker's aggression rather than opposing by force. Par! ticipati on is by instructor approval only, but we invite you to come observe a class.

October 29th we will be holding a one-day Reiki workshop, 12:30-8:30pm. We will discuss the history and technique of Reiki, and how you can use Reiki to help yourself and others. Participants will learn meditations for increasing awareness of energy, receive attunement to level one Reiki and learn to do self-healing. See the special events page for details:

We are completing construction of our private treatment room at the Anderson Township studio, and are now accepting appointments for Thai Yoga massage, Reiki, and sessions with one of our LMTs for various forms of bodywork including therapeutic and medical massage, MET, craniosacral therapy and aromatherapy. Visit the website for more information.

We will drop you a line again in November, and remember: you can find us on Facebook (You Do Yoga), follow us on Twitter @YouDoYoga or to keep your fingers on the pulse of Yoga in Cincinnati Ohio visit our website at


About the Author

Matt Eshleman, B.A., ERYT500, has many years of experience teaching yoga and meditation. Matt earned his 500 hour certification through his studies of Anatomy, Taoist Yoga and Meditation. Matt is a trained Thai Yoga Massage therapist, Reiki practitioner, a student of Martial Arts, and is an adjunct professor at Cincinnati State. He is the founder of You Do Yoga LLC, and is the director of teacher training.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.


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