Article by Nicole Roberts

Sound healing with tuning forks is a powerful but simple modality that is growing in popularity. Sound works on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies as a tool for both wellness and transformation. If we hear sound through our ears, how can this affect the physical body, especially if the tuning forks are not touching us?

We used to think that our bodies are solid matter. Now new discoveries in quantum physics tell us that everything we think of as solid matter is actually in a state of constant movement and vibration. The reason that we can see solid matter is that the vibration is slow enough for us to be able to see and touch. If we accept this basic premise that we are a body of vibrations, then some basic concepts in the science of sound can explain how it works as a healing modality.


Sound travels as a wave through the air. Sound waves are measured in cycles per second or Hertz (abbreviated Hz). Frequency is the measurement of a sound. Tuning forks for healing will be labeled with the specific frequency of that fork. For example, a tuning fork labeled as 528 Hz will vibrate at a rate of 528 cycles per second. Deep sounds have slower waves and therefore a lower frequency than higher sounds. We have the ability to hear sounds from 16 Hz to around 16,000 Hz. But just because we don't hear a sound does not mean that it isn't there or doesn't impact us.


Resonance is the natural vibration of an object. Every object has its own resonant frequency. All the cells and organs in your body have a specific frequency. There are two kinds of resonance. Free resonance occurs when an object begins to vibrate when it comes into contact with a frequency that is identical to its own. For example, if you have two sound healing tuning forks of the same frequency, you can strike one to start it vibrating. If you bring it next to the second one, the second fork will begin to vibrate as well, even though you didn't strike it. If the two forks are! of a di fferent frequency, then nothing will happen.

Forced resonance occurs when one vibrating source such as a tuning fork produces vibrations in another object even if they are of a different frequency. The vibrations of one object can change the vibrations of another. Water is an example of a substance that responds easily to forced resonance. The human body is a complex vibratory system that also resonates to a variety of different frequencies, especially since our bodies are primarily composed of water.

The human body has many frequencies that affect us and to which we resonate. Each person has a composite of the different frequencies and therefore we each have our own personal vibration rate. Illness occurs when any portion of our body is not vibrating at its optimum natural frequency.


Entrainment is a principle of resonance where the powerful vibrations of one object can change the vibrations of another object, causing the second object to synchronize with the first. We experience entrainment on a daily basis since we are all exposed to various sounds and vibrations


The basis of sound therapy with tuning forks is to restore the correct resonant frequency to whatever part of the body is vibrating out of harmony with the rest of the body and out of harmony with its natural optimum frequency. We have already learned that the body is in a state of vibration composed of a number of different frequencies. Tuning forks for healing tries to restore the correct resonant frequency of a part of the physical, mental, emotional or spiritual body that is out of harmony, thereby restoring a healthy vibration. Sound is an energy that not only enters our ears and our brains but is able to affect our nervous system and can rearrange the molecules of our cellular structure.

Sound therapy can use a variety of different types of tuning forks at different frequencies. Some tuning forks have weights so that they can be applied to the physi! cal body . Sound healing with tuning forks is easy enough to learn and use on your own body but also easily incorporated with other healing modalities such as massage and reiki.

About the Author

Welcome to TuneUpYourHealth, inside you will discover an amazing selection of low priced and excellent quality sound healing.

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