Attunements For Beloved Animal Companions

by inju

Article by Nicole Lanning

Love your pets and enjoy healing them with Reiki or other energy forms?

Have you ever thought about attuning your pet to be a Reiki Master to have them work with the energy on their own? This is something a lot of people have not considered until it is mentioned to them.

Attuning your beloved companion is a wonderful thing to have done! They share their own healing with other pets in their life as well as yourself, others they come in contact with as well as Mother Nature if they are outside as well.

I have a passion for working with children and animals. My children and pets were attuned at a very young age. I personally have two loving dogs and asked them, through the wonderful power of animal communication, if they wished to be attuned to Reiki. They both happily agreed!

When attuning animals to energy forms, please do note that the attunement sessions will not last as long as if you were attuning a human. The session will only be about 15 minutes in length, as they absorb the energies much more quickly.

Performing an attunement session on an animal can be in-person and sent in through their crown chakra. You can also send them in chiballs as along as you communicate with your animal that the attunement is ready for them! Animals, for the most part, will instinctively know their attunements are ready for them, but please do make sure you show them enough respect to let them know anyways!

When first attuning your beloved animal, start with Usui Reiki and one level at a time. Their should be at least 3-5 day waiting period between each attunement for them, as their integrate the energy much quicker as well.

After they have been attuned with Usui Reiki, you can also try using other forms geared towards animal energies as well. They love the energy work and sharing this is a wonderful connection between you and your companion animal.

I hope this helps you with attunement sessions and your pets! If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

! Many Ble ssings

Nicole Lanning

About the Author

Nicole is a Natural Born Psychic Medium, Ordained Minister, Spiritual Counselor, Reiki Master Teacher and Certified Energy Healer with the International Natural Healers Association and the World Metaphysical Association.

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