Unlocking the 7 Energy Centres Within You
Article by Lilli Mason
Unlocking the 7 Energy Centres Within You
You may not be aware of it but we all have an energy field which radiates through our body and is divided into specific areas. The major energy centres, and most commonly known, are the 7 chakras. By unlocking these 7 energy centres you will bring more joy, creativity and pleasure into your life.
This electromagnetic energy field, also called an aura, is invisible to the untrained naked eye. Although you may not have seen it, you would have felt it at some time. For example, have you spent time with someone who had a negative outlook? This person controlled the conversation and it was mainly about all the things that were wrong in their life at the time. At the end of the visit your friend will thank you and say they feel much better having talked to you and you come away feeling drained.
The reason they feel better is because they have topped up their energy field and literally drained yours. By becoming a Reiki Master you will be able to harness the powerful energy of your 7 energy centers and prevent this type of draining.
The 7 energy centres running along the spine are;
1st Chakra - located just under the tail bone 2nd Chakra - sits between the pelvic bones at the base of the spine 3rd Chakra - behind your navel 4th Chakra - next to your heart 5th Chakra - behind your throat 6th Chakra - in the middle of the brain 7th Chakra - just above the crown of the head
Each of these chakras is associated and control particular anatomical areas of our body.
When we think of reiki, we think of spirit energy and spiritual healing but it is so much more. Use reiki to effectively unblock and energize your chakras as well as many other uses such as finding your true purpose or healing past traumas.
Once your chakras are opened and your vital energy is restored, life takes on a new meaning. You become a more vibrant and loving person who enjoys life and this reflects in your daily actions, which in turn reflects on ! those ar ound you.
You have so much to gain by learning reiki, not only for yourself but for your loved ones as well. You may be thinking that you don't have the time but you do. It is like everything else, you have to make the time and the good news is that it is quick and easy to learn.
So my friend, don't hesitate any longer. Visit http://www.reikisuccess.info and begin your reiki journey today. Take advantage of the free mini-course available at http://www.reikisuccess.info for you right now.
About the AuthorA mother and grandmother who has explored many spiritual therapies seeking answers and solace after the sudden loss of a beloved son. It was through this personal journey she has found her own understanding and peace. Along the way, strangers would seek her out for guidance, and through listening with empathy, was able to help ease the pain of others.
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