Herbal Remedies For Joint Pain - Treating Arthritis Problems

Article by Dr Easton Patrick

Joint Pain, affecting one or more joints is a main symptom shown as a result of arthritis. Multiple causes contributing for the formation of pain in the joints include joint injury, joint strain, bursitis and tendonitis. Immediate treatment done for pain in the joints helps in minimizing the risks of health hazards in future. If the joint pain persists for more than three years time period or if there is involuntary weight loss of more than ten pounds, it is advised to consult a doctor. Today, there are several herbal remedies available in market for repairing cartilages and reducing swellings. Most of them work by healing inflamed joints and making them healthy. Now, let's see some among the best recommended herbal remedies for relieving pain from the joints.

Shallaki, biologically known as boswellia serrata is an effective herbal remedy for joint pain. It is found to be very helpful in treating arthritis problems like osteoarthritis, gout and rheumatoid arthritis. Presence of boswellic acid in shallaki prevents indigestion, cures constipation, improves the vision of eyes and relieves stomach disorders. This joint care is also equipped with other health benefits like maintaining cholesterol level, reducing body weight, preventing gastric ulcers and improving the flexibility of body muscles. Ashwagandha or withania somnifera is another herbal remedy for joint pain. Root powder of ashwagandha is well known for curing high blood pressure, immune dysfunction and erection problems. It prevents joint inflammations and helps in minimizing joint pain.

Cayenne pepper is one among the commonly suggested herbal remedies for joint pain. It helps to a great extend in stimulating digestion and muscle movement of intestine. Presence of capsaicin, an active component of cayenne pepper reverses the effects of atherosclerosis, inhibits the growth of H. pylori bacteria and prevents the risk of digestive ailments. Ginger is another safe cure recommended for arthritis pain. It has been used for centurie! s for th e preparation of ayurvedic medicines. Papaya seed tea is another herbal remedy for joint pain troubles. For attaining fast relief, patients with chronic arthritis troubles are recommended to drink six to seven cups of papaya seed tea per day.

Drinking warm water mixed with honey and apple cider vinegar is a home remedy for pain relief. Regular intake of this medicinal drink helps in relieving stiff and aching of joints. Preventing the formation of acidic crystals, improving digestion, curing weight loss and detoxification of liver are other advantages of using apple cider vinegar. Inclusion of garlic cloves fried in butter is a safe herbal remedy for curing joint aches. It prevents blood clotting and improves the circulation of blood through out the body. Garlic, enriched with allium repairs the damage of cartilages and helps in minimizing the effect of osteoarthritis. Drinking a cup of warm milk mixed with a pinch of turmeric is an effective herbal remedy for joint pain. Turmeric is well known for anti inflammatory properties and has been widely used for the treatment of arthritis. For user assistance, turmeric is also available in market in the form of capsules. Carrot juice, bananas and menthol are other remedies used for easing pain.

About the Author

Read more about Arthritis Joint Pain Relief Oil. Also know useful Herbal Treatment for Joint Pain Stiffness. Read effective Herbal Treatment for Insomnia, Sleeplessness.

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