Ultrasonic Diffusers: Cool Tool of Aromatherapy Science

Article by Fit Gizmos

Ultrasonic diffusers are a cool tool of aromatherapy science-literally. These ingenious devices get just the right amount of aroma right where it needs to go without boiling most of it away like the traditional methods of essential oil treatment.What is a diffuser? So, what is a diffuser, anyway? Diffusion means spreading. A diffuser spreads essential oil through the air. An ultrasonic diffuser uses the power of high-frequency, low-energy sound to agitate the oil into an invisible healing fog, blown out of the appliance with a fan. Because this method does not heat the oil, only a tiny fraction as much of the expensive herbal essences is needed. The amount of oil you might use in a single hour with the traditional bowl-over-a-candle method might last you two weeks if you use an ultrasonic device.It's really that efficient. The old timey methods of aromatherapy all relied on heat. Heat up water, put it in a bowl, place a few drops of herbal oil in the water, and, hurry, hurry, drape your head with towels over the bowl to try to capture the scent. If the phone rings, if somebody comes to the door, you have to drop the towels and take care of business, and all the work and all the oil is wasted.Or, even worse, heat the oil over a candle. That's better that putting in a frying pan on the stove, but only by an hour or so. Even the slightest candle flame quickly boiled the volatile essential oils away-and you would just need more. Of course, if you are selling the aromatherapy supplies, you make a whole lot more sales by encouraging your customers to use outdated technology.And it's better for you, too. But saving money isn't the only reason you should choose an ultrasonic diffuser. The health benefits are greater, too. Ultrasound technology creates a more vastly more potent therapy. That's because no other method creates smaller or lighter droplets of essential oil. These droplets can travel deep into your sinuses or down into your bronchial passages to do their healing work. You get more benefit from ! a lot (a whole lot) less product.Instant therapy. If you do aromatherapy the old-fashioned way, you'll spend 15 minutes setting up, 15 minutes cleaning up, and about 3 minutes actually getting the benefits of the treatment. With an ultrasonic diffuser, you spend about 3 minutes every 2 to 3 weeks maintaining the machine, and you get the benefits in seconds. Even better, you can walk around the room-or if you have several units, around the house-going about your normal activities while you get all the benefits of the therapy. Instead of using a teaspoon of oil every 5 minutes (or maybe every hour if you use the candle method), you can use a teaspoon of oil every 2 to 3 weeks with this wonderful modern innovation on one of the world's best-known methods of natural healing.We know that ultrasound is the state of the art for aromatherapy.

About the Author

But click on the link to read more about aromatherapy science, too

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