Popular Aromatherapy Herbs..

by m-c

Article by ramrocks

Aromatherapy is an alternative field of medicine used for the treatment or prevention of diseases. It involves use of herbal oils. Aromatherapy is widely popular as a healing and calming cure for several common problems. Different types of aromatic herbs are available to suit different bodily needs. A correct herbal combination would ensure the best utilization of the healing power of this therapy. Different plant extracts are used for treating different kinds of problems. A combination of two or more herbal oils can be useful only in certain conditions. Lavender may be the most widely used of all aromatherapy herbs. The aroma is calming and soothing, and lavender has medicinal effects in healing burns and wounds, helping digestion and improving respiratory problems. One of the most useful aromatherapy herbs, lavender is well tolerated even by people with allergies. Lavender blossoms are formed into wreathes, tied into bunches or braided into wands, then dried. Used decoratively, lavender adds color and texture to a room, and the delicate scent lasts for months. Sometimes the buds are stripped from the stems and made into sachets or used in potpourri. Lavender is often added to bath products because of its calming effect.Luxurious creams and lotions are also calming and romantic. Lavender massage oil helps relax and soothe sore muscles. Lavender is safe to use on babies because it is gentle and soothing. Lavender baby powder and lotion help peevish babies relax and sleep, and lavender diaper cream is soothing and mildly antiseptic. As with all aromatherapy herbs, not everyone responds to lavender the same way. Even without any medicinal effect, however, most people enjoy the soothing, romantic scent of lavender. Essential oils are best when made from organically grown aromatherapy herbs, because chemical soil additives change the scent. Essential oils are rated for purity on a scale of 1-5, with 1 being most pure. Essential oils are very reduced and should be used sparingly. A drop or two in an oi! l diffus er or on a light bulb ring will scent an entire room. Essential oils can be diluted with carrier oils to make massage or bath oil, or to add to unscented shampoos, soaps or lotions. Aromatic herbs can be used for a long period of time, even for a few years. However, like any other natural product, they also tend to lose their effectiveness over time. Some aromatic oils react to certain environment differently. Some oils may degrade on prolonged contact with sunlight.

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i am rama.

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Teaching English in Shanghai - Lifestyle

Adrienne talks about her completely different lifestyle from back home in Australia. She moved to Shanghai to teach English and now indulges in some of the finer things in life, including meals out, aromatherapy massages and drinks with friends. Find out why Adrienne and so many other people are moving to Shanghai to teach English.

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