7 Holistic Remedies for Yeast Infection
Article by Caizechong
Unfortunately, every age group and gender is within the reach of this affliction since there are many types of candida infections- such as oral thrush, vaginitis, penile candidiasis or systemic yeast(to name a few). Realizing the commonplace nature of this ailment helps to get over the embarrassment and begin to openly seek much needed support. There are numerous treatments for yeast infections. There are ways to stop the infection and free yourself from its disturbing symptoms.
A natural home remedy is one way to help you heal. Probiotics, sometimes referred to as "friendly" bacteria, suppress the growth of potentially harmful organisms such as Candida, which is why probiotic supplements have been explored as a natural remedy for yeast infection. Each home remedy you use can save you money and time, plus benefit the environment.
Garlic is another home remedy for a yeast infection and is easy to use. For vaginal yeast infections, insert a clove of garlic into the vagina every two to fours hours for two days. You can also eat fresh garlic cloves or take garlic pills to treat an infection.
Use only non-flavored yoghurt without sugar content. There are different ways to use yoghurt to cure yeast infection. You can either apply it directly in the vagina using a yoghurt-dipped tampon or douche with water. Some folks prefer it to be frozen as a popsicle. It is said to be extremely soothing though you would experience a slight sting initially. Eating yoghurt brings the acidophilus directly into our bodies. Normally the yeast infection would go off in a matter of days.
You can eat it. If you choose this method, you must eat a raw clove every single day. You can eat it whole or chop it up and mix it into your food. This is a good way to attack the Candida when it's in your intestinal tract.
Tea tree oil is considered a very effective holistic treatment for vaginal infections, and there are a few ways you can use it. First, you can apply a few drops of the oil to a clean tampo! n and in sert it normally. You can also create a tea tree oil solution to use as a douche by mixing 1 tsp. of tea tree oil and 1 tsp. of rubbing alcohol. The solution will have a milky appearance. Store the mixture in a small dropper bottle, and mix 10 drops of it with a pint of water to make a douching solution. You can douche with it daily every day for a week to clear up an yeast infection. Do not use tea tree oil if you are pregnant.
Smear gentian violet over the yeast infected area. Remember to wear a pad when you use this remedy. It probably works after the first round of treatment.
Many women are opting now to use yogurt, buttermilk, acidopholous, cranberry juice , antifungals and other ways so that they do not have to use medications but instead find a home remedy for yeast infection problems. Also diet has to be part of any approach of a home remedy for yeast infection if you are sensitive to sugars.
About the Author
Author is an online medical researcher on hair loss treatment and yeast infections treatment. Click read more on yeast infection treatment, hair loss treatment.
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