Essential Oil Diffusers for All the Advantages of Aromatherapy

Article by Fit Gizmos

If you have found that aromatherapy is just the thing to relieve headache pain, or stop neck tension, or put an end to a cold, allergies, or congestion after a bad case of flu, you are probably willing to put up with the time-tested procedure of draping your head with towels and sniffing aroma wafting up from a bowl. But you don't have to.Essential oil diffusers offer all the advantages of aromatherapy with none of the bother. They save so much money on essential oil that you can afford a diffuser for every room in your house. They work for weeks at a time on just one teaspoon (5 ml) of essential oil, by efficiently creating an ultra-fine mist of healing aroma that can fill a room with aroma in just seconds. But are the applications of aromatherapy limited to stuffy noses and headaches?Absolutely not! The medical literature contains over 600 studies finding that you can use essential oils to support good health of people who have:- Allergies- Alzheimer's- Anxiety- Burns, cuts, scrapes, and scratches- High blood pressure- Hot flashes- Hyposmia (loss of ability to smell)- Mood swings- Multiple chemical sensitivities- Rhinitis (itchy, inflamed nose)- SinusitisAnd aromatherapy can even help your kids do better in school. The Korean Journal of Academic Nursing reports that bergamot helps high school students retain information when they cram for exams. Lemon oil can help students find the stamina to keep from tuckering out when they take tests.Aromatherapy might even help you lose weight. Japanese neuroscientists have discovered that lemon and grapefruit oils give your reduced-calorie diet a big boost. Smelling these fruit scents activates the nerves that tell fat cells to burn fat. Lemon and grapefruit odors can enhance the fat loss you trigger by long bouts of gentle exercise, or by interval training (long workouts at a gentle pace interrupted by short bursts of intense exercise, the whole workout ended with a 5-minute cool down).There are even specific protocols for specialized health needs. Here ar! e just a few. Use your essential oil diffuser in supportive care for:- Adults who have high blood pressure (treatment with vanilla)- Anxiety (treatment with vanilla)- Elders who have Alzheimer's causing them to display aggressive behavior (treatment with lavender oil)- Family members of any age experiencing pain caused by cuts, scrapes, scratches, and burns (treatment with lavender oil)- Hair loss in children (treatment with a combination of rose oil, sandalwood oil, and cedar oil, just a few drops of each, rubbed into bare scalp just before going to bed at night)- Hot flashes and mood swings caused by menopause (treatment with rose and geranium oil diluted with evening primrose oil; clary sage, coriander, cypress, and fennel also helpful)- Smoking cessation (treatment with angelica oil)An essential oil diffuser in every room does your health even more good than a medicine cabinet in the bathroom.

About the Author

Read more about how essential oil diffusers work and how to choose the most economical models for your home.

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