Is Aromatherapy Safe During Pregnancy?
Article by L J McKeever
As with everything you choose to use during your pregnancy, aromatherapy should be approached with caution. Prior to using any guides you have found online, consult your midwife or OB to ensure the information you have read is safe to follow during your particular pregnancy.
It is advised that you avoid the use of essential oils altogether during your first trimester. Those first essential twelve weeks are vital for foetal development. Further in to your pregnancy there are certain oils that can help relieve some common pregnancy ailments. Aromatherapy can be used help alleviate morning sickness, constipation, anxiety, depression and fatigue, amongst many other common pregnancy ailments.
Which oils are recommended after the first trimester?
Lavendar Oil This can be used to relieve headaches, stress, nervous tension and restlessness. If you are having trouble sleeping, try adding 5 drops of lavendar oil to a bath and soaking in it before bed time.
Mandarin OilThis has anti-septic properties and can be used to relieve colds, coughs and breathing problems. It can also be used to relieve cramp and digestive track problems.
Ylang YlangGreat for relieving you of restlessness, anxiety and depression. It can provide an 'uplifting feeling'.
Neroli OilCan relieve chronic anxiety, depression, fear shock and stress. Has been known to be beneficial to the digestive tract. Can help relieve diarrhea. Can be used for insomnia, has a sedative effect. Is helpful for treating depression, anxiety and heart palpatations.
Oils that must be avoided during pregnancy at all costs:
>clary sage (can be used during labour)
>rose damascena (until the 3rd trimester, if you're healthy).
It is not ethical to conduct studies regarding the safety of aromatherapy on pregnant women, so the above ! oils hav e been marked as dangerous for use during pregnancy based on their known qualities. They are all known to stimulate menstruation, so it is best to err on the side of caution and opt for a safer oil.
How can I use aromatherapy during my pregnancy?
One of the best ways to use aromatherapy during your pregnancy is to add 5-6 drops of your chosen essential oil to your bath. Once you have added the oil, mix it in to the bath well and then sink in. Alternatively, you can add three drops of your essential oil to a bowl of warm water and soak a flannel in it. Rinse your flannel well and apply to your forehead.
So long as you avoid 'dangerous' essential oils and consult with a medical professional, there is no reason for you to avoid aromatherapy altogether during your pregnancy.
About the AuthorL J McKeever is a mother who promotes natural pregnancy and childbirth through her website Maternity Bliss. Her site features pregnancy aromatherapy products. Visit her home birth guide for information on using aromatherapy during labour.
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