Causes of Aggressive Cat Behavior

Article by Sonia Manning

Those who fear sweet little cuddly Pit Bulls or furry Wolf Hybrids have clearly never dealt with aggressive cat behavior. Cats can be downright violent! How can a beautiful, purring, loveable cat turn into something that clearly inspired Pet Cemetery in the blink of an eye? Some people say that all cats are bipolar, others simply say they know that they are the superior breed to their humans and have minds of their own.

If you are dealing with aggression, you cannot address it or look for ways to fix it without trying to understand what's causing it. Cats may be moody but they typically have a reason why they act the way that they do.

Play Aggression

Does your feline friend get little feisty when you play? Understand that cats are natural predators, they have the instinct to hunt even if they have a plush bed and a crystal food bowl. You will never be able to stop your cat from attacking your feet when you walk by. Want to do your cat a favorite? Buy a Roomba and let him hunt it for an hour a day!

Petting Aggression

Sometimes when a cat is being petted, they will swat your hand or take a little nibble. Some believe that these cats were likely taken from their mothers too early while others believe it's simply a control issue and the cat has had enough of your kindness. Either way, there is no reason to really push your luck, just wait until they ask to be petted again which will probably be five minutes later.

Pain Aggression

Cats can't tell you that they are sick or hurt so sometimes being aggressive is their way of getting your attention. If your cat is suddenly lashing out at you, a vet visit may be needed.

It should also be noted that if your cat is aggressive, then calm for a while and the cycle keeps repeating itself, there is most likely severe pain somewhere. Some cats release ACTH, a type of hormone that is created in their pituitary gland which stimulates the adrenal cortex. This helps to regenerate from wounds but that! doesn't mean that they are healed; a vet visit is definitely warranted.

Territorial Aggression

Like wolves, cats can claim a very large territory; their kitty condo is certainly not their idea of prime real estate either. While that may be where they spend their time, this is simply a favorite location in their home. Your bed, the edge of the bathtub and even above the refrigerator is a place within their very large territory.

If you introduce a new animal or human to the home, your cat may feel the need to make it known that all their favorite spots belong to them and should not be invaded.

Sexual Aggression

Have you ever seen mating take place? It can be surprisingly violent! Please spay and neuter your pets. If you don't, you can't complain about being the victim of a sexually-charged aggressive cat behavior.

About the Author

Sonia Manning provides interesting information and helpful tips about cats and their behaviors. To learn more about problem cat behaviors and solutions, go to Visit her website at for more topics and tips about cat behaviors including urinating, vocalizing and more.

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