Aromatherapy For Acne Relief?
Article by robert dixon
Believe it or not, one of the best things that you can do for yourself comes in the form of aromatherapy and the oils used. Aromatherapy is a relaxing regime that for acne can help but will not by itself get rid of acne.
The main benefit is relaxing and calming the body and mind. Stress is a factor to be considered in the treatment of acne. For instance if you are really stressed and I mean not just thinking you are, but really stressed then healing acne or an other ailment will be tough.
Why? Simply because the all the body systems are under a state of siege mostly from the tremendous surge in free radical damage that stress places on the body. Hormone disruption is one of them, important because the hormones that control oil (sebum) production to the skin is out of balance and is producing too much of it which leads to the formation of acne and other skin disorders.
In order to heal stress MUST be controlled. Detoxing our body with aromatherapy oils is also an excellent way to help clear up our skin because stress and toxins play a large role in the acne that we have. Many of the oils that are used in aromatherapy can also be applied directly to the skin in order to help clear it. A good example of this is lavender, one of the most common aromatherapy oils that is used.
Even though it is renowned for its wonderful scent it also has some antiseptic properties that are excellent for use on problem skin. Many people add a little bit of lavender into their daily skin cleaning regimen in order to help clear the problem.
Several other aromatherapy oils can also be used on the skin but you need to use a little bit of caution that you are not overdoing it. Oils such as Jasmine, myrrh and sandalwood are excellent for our skin problems and they have antibacterial and antiseptic properties that can go a long way in helping you to clear up your acne, once and for all. Just make sure that you are diluting the stronger oils (olive oil is good) so that they don't cause any irrit! ation or drying of your skin.
These oils also are very good as a detox bath. Add a small amount into the tub as the water is running. Soak in the tub for about 15 to 20 minutes and relax with the wonderful aroma. As you soak these oils stimulate the skin and the body responds by releasing toxins in the skin and the lymph system. Releasing toxins also helps to stabilize other body systems by reducing some of the free radical activity that is wreaking havoc on your body.
Other considerations should be improving the diet by including raw fruits and vegetables, juicing is ideal as the nutrients are digested quickly and absorbed into the body. Natural skin care products specific for problem skin would also help.
About the AuthorBob has been writing articles for over 5 years. Come visit his latest website over at which helps people to select the right 5 horsepower air compressor to get the job done right
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