Healing - to become whole and sound; return to health; to restore a person to spiritual wholeness

by inju

Article by Awarenessinstitute

The art of healing is a practice of creative, intuitive and soul centred ways of working with self and others for awareness, wellbeing and empowerment. The term 'soul' relates to our depth, mystery and our quality of connection with oneself, others and the world around us. Soul centred healing is a conscious way of being in relationship so as to embrace the diverse healing powers of nature, psyche and spirit. This can take place through the effective use of a wide range of growth related practices.

At Awareness Institute, we offer a number of practices to assist in your awakening process, including intuitive awareness, energetic healing, working with crystals, reiki, soul centred counselling, meditation, subtle energy of the body and shamanic journeys

At our programs, we offer an eighteen month professional diploma of energetic healing which is soul centred in its orientation. Through working with meditation, intuition, energy, nature and spirit, you will gain new understanding, awareness and skills to evolve your own understanding of self, and transform relationships on a personal and planetary level. The diploma of energetic healing starts in Feb each year, however some courses can be commenced any term.

This diploma empowers your ability to live and relate in more fulfilling and authentic ways. It is suited for anyone interested in working intuitively and soulfully in the field of healing and human potential and is a professional training program, allow you to work with others effectively as a healer.

The certificate in shamanic practices is designed as a series of integrated modules that explore different aspects of the foundation practices within this ancient system. Each module focuses on a different aspect of shamanism, an ancient system of spirituality that dates from the earliest beginnings of humanity. Its popularity is due to its deep spirituality, reverence for all life forms and the ability to provide answers in a troubled world. Shamanism is a way of thinking ! and acti ng - of learning about, understanding and living in harmony with Self, Nature and Spirit. The certificate in shamanic practice is a course in universal shamanic practices.

The healing art of reiki teaches us to work in balance and harmony with the Universal Life force, allowing energy to flow through us and be of benefit unconditionally to self, others, animals and our environment. Reiki is much more than a therapeutic tool, it is a path of self empowerment, a spiritual journey inviting us to be deeply centred in the heart. Practicing Reiki we develop greater connection with our true nature. As you radiate love and joy, it allows others to connect with their own love, joy and healing.

To know more visit us at: http://www.awarenessinstitute.com.au

About the Author

Awareness Institute is an organic community of professionally trained facilitators, clinicians and healers committed to inspiring an evolutionary shift in human consciousness. We value community, personal empowerment, integrity and self-responsibility and seek to provide the highest quality training and support for personal and global evolution. While not forgetting to sit back on occasion, kick off our shoes and have fun!

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

Secret of qigong - part 2

sevenreview.com Secret of qigong meditation, healing, health, fast cure remedy, traditional Chinese healing with acupuncture, energy such as reiki also known as Nei gong and qigong. Healing brain tumors, cancers, back pain. The untold secrets are now being revealed from ancient masters and found here http must-see! 7 part series about the source of qigong & the mystic healing energy. Enjoy!

Video Rating: 5 / 5


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