Open Up to Your Problems: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, May 31, 2012

Hello, good morning, Dr. Rob
Another awesome and amazing day in the universe
Open Up to Your Problems, my intention this day

If you sliced yourself open
There would be nothing to see
But the human being
And beauty that it be
There are no problems in there
And they're not out there
For the perfection, you see
Is exactly what you be
You be so perfect and life is so grand
Love helps you withstand all that there be
And open up you see
Problems, nothing you see
There be no problems
Only this life that we live
Explore it as you might
It's language that gives you sight
If you think it all bad
And problems that be
Oh my God!
What can you see
But nothing but fog and darkness in thee
Now open up this day and love all that you play
Life is perfect as it be
Love, this is what you will see
God gifts you and gifts me
Now love in the day and love all that you play
Best is the way
Open up and let go
See the perfection within all that there be
All perfect you see
Love, Dr. Rob

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