Align Your Mind – Dr. Rob Kiltz

Hi, Dr. Rob, another awesome and amazing day in the universe.  God has granted you and I the beauty and perfection of this day, this moment, this everything – no matter what with all of its perfection, all of its challenges, and all that comes.  Remember, that 'terrorist' thought; the problem is not with our issues, and not with our bodies, and not with what's out there.  It's with the thinking and the mind; it's misalignment of the mind.  That's what this is all about misalignment of the mind and your thinking. 

It's all love, it's all gratitude, and it's all trust and faith.  Give.  It all comes to you with giving and love.  Nothing personal – nothing.  Give love, and love will return to you.  Be generous and kind, and let go.  I know for me, I felt the pain.  That is the signal to keep moving forward.  Why would you climb the mountain when you can go through it?  That's the miracle of life and the universe, it's in you.  When you're feeling the pain, feeling the jealousy, feeling the judgment – more work to be done every day.   

Please forgive me I am learning every day.  Please forgive me, I am loving every day.  With the thoughts, the body comes in line, that's it.  You are exactly where you're supposed to be and you put yourself right there.  The brain rules.  It's the mindset, faith and belief.  Allow and let go and move forward in life, it's all yours now.  How can I do better?  I can do better when God and Jesus guide me every day.  

The body feels the pain of the mind that's misaligned.  The terrorists are your thinking – "thought terrorists", the memes.  Now dream the dream of what you desire and see it as if it is already there.  Let go of how it happens and be good with whatever happens.  That is the key and the trick of life every day.   

I recently let go of a relationship that I was challenged with. The instinctual stuff was just pushing and shoving.  I realized that the mindset was all misaligned.  I needed to let go, walk away, and recognize its love I need to be giving to all.  When the judgment is there, it's because the mind is out of alignment and the thinking needs to shift – that's it.  I send love, I give love, and I let go of all things.  I see that I have all things right now.  Somehow without this pain of the subconscious-conscious and the body, how would I know where I am supposed to be today? 

You're in the right place, right now.  All you're feeling is what you're thinking.  You change your thinking by adding the good thinking and the love thinking, and the 'terrorists' will go away.  You just can't sit and wait for it to go, you must do the work and that's what this is all about.  I wouldn't be doing this work and sharing my words if this wasn't happening to me.  I give love to all I see, and all that's there and right and perfect for me.  Nothing, nothing, nothing personal.  It is all actually perfect – all of it. 

Every time I push and shove, and I say Pick me, pick me.  Why don't you do this?  What's what?  God says take a moment and rest, and take a breath and look inside.  See what misalignment is going on.  What would Jesus do?  He would say love, love – love and forgiveness.  I have great and amazing friends and family, and loved ones and so do you.  Nothing personal.  That's it.  Take a step and move forward in life, love all.  Nothing personal.  Share love, love, give love, life love, all love.  It's all happening in perfection.   

Blessings this day as every day.  Practice putting the words in the mind that change the mind.  The mindset is the mind thinking and that's the terrorists or the angels.  Don't judge those terrorists except with love.  It's all love, it's all giving love, and it's all happiness and love.  The joy is this moment that you're in right now.  Sometimes we want to talk about what's wrong, what the problems are, and who's done what to you and me, and them – let it go.  I am feeling this because I'm thinking this.  The feelings are what the pain body is because you're thinking differently than what you should be.  You're on the wrong track, the misalignment is there.  Turn it around and you will come back.  Thank you God for this day and I love you.  Every day is love. 

Thank you Claire, I love you.  Thank you Gina, I love you.  Thank you Pilar, I love you.  Thank you Mom and Dad, I love you.  Thank you to all I work with, I love you.  Thank you to the universe, I love you.  Thank you to God, I love you.  Remember, misaligned thinking, misaligned body.  Alignment in your thoughts with love, alignment in the body, and the interactions of your life every day.  My blessings to you.  Thank you God.  Enjoy this day.  Check out  Grow, create, and be loving and kind every day.  Dr. Rob.


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