Tinnitus Cure: The Path to a Lasting Relief

by Bods

Article by Thomas Colman

Tinnitus problems are an extremely common and serious medical phenomenon in the United States, with over 40 million residents in this country suffering from these problems. However, even in the presence of high incidence of subjective, as well as objective tinnitus, the conventional medical experts have failed to come up with an effective curative measure. Adding to the bleakness of the situation is the fact that, on an average, one out of every four chronic tinnitus patients feels that, they are not being able to enjoy all the normal bodily functions. Among the different types of tinnitus treatment measures that are now available, the ones that are most successful uniformly exhibit two properties. First, a holistic perspective is adopted to take care of the disease. Second, in order to achieve an effective cure from this problematic medical condition, all the basic causes of the problem are considered in detail.

Choosing The Best Option For Tinnitus Cure

In terms of comprehensiveness and relevance, holistic measures of treatment appear to be the best suited to tackle the various causes of tinnitus. This disease is extremely damaging, and has the potential to wither away the forces of life and vitality of the patient. The holistic measures look to boost up the inner resisting strength of the body, by a total revision of the entire metabolic system, so that an ideal balance may be reached. Among the dietary changes that are recommended, firstly, patients need to totally give up on consumption of alcoholic drinks, as well as meat, and other food products. For example, eating sausages, ham or bacons is strictly prohibited. Beverages like tea or coffee should also be avoided, as well as the different forms of processed edible items. They are advised to derive the requisite quantities of bodily energy from fruits, vegetables, fruit juices (only in the unadulterated form, with no additional preservatives), whole grain breads, foods with organic properties, and cereals. Beneficial bacilli are! produced in the stomach by yogurt, and hence, it should also be included in the diet charts. Such bacilli keep up the hygiene levels in the human intestine.

Holistic treatment procedures have been proven to yield lasting and effective relief from tinnitus. Doctors who are in favor of this regime also recommend the regular practice of yoga postures. In addition, deep breathing exercises should also be performed on a regular basis.

The tinnitus patients have to deal with the multifarious causes of the disease. They have to estimate the effect each and every type of food has on the problem. Different foods have contrasting effects on the disease, either boosting or preventing the generation of problems. Irrespective of the extent to which foods affect tinnitus, they should either be included or kept out of the daily diet, based on their effects. Other items of day-to-day individual usage, as well as the overall lifestyle of the patient need also be revised in a similar way. As can be guessed easily, the whole process takes up quite a bit of time. However, once proper diets and lifestyle modes are adopted, patients can get some relief.

There are other factors as well, which can serve to heighten the acuteness of the problems of tinnitus. These factors are extra-auditory, and include diabetes, migraine, and a shortage of Vitamin B12 and/or necessary zinc components. Hypothyroidism, hyperlipidaemia and hypertension also increase the intensity of the problem. All these factors that influence the tinnitus disease should be under the purview of the chosen mode of treatment.

A Look Into The Traditional Methods For Tinnitus Cure

We would now look into some of the popular treatment techniques that fall under the conventional approach. Most of these methods treat only the symptoms, and not the causal factors, of the disease. The various types of conventional treatment methods for tinnitus cure are:

Medicines sold over-the-counter,Instruments that act as Tinnitus Maskers,! Ways to r! elax the bodily system of patients,Different drugs with beneficial herb-bases in them,Homeopathic modes of treatment, andTinnitus cures that can be made up at home.

The drugs that are available to tinnitus patients over the counter typically carry with them adverse side effects, albeit in varying degrees. Chief among these medicines are sedatives as well as anti-depressants. These medicines can result in a total loss in mental alacrity, which makes driving cars and other vehicles extremely unadvisable. Other common side effects include experiencing pain in the head, a feeling of giddiness, constipation, and having a bowel syndrome that is irregular in nature. Hence, the overall benefits of these drugs are rather doubtful. However, when a person is continuously harassed by the ringing noises produced by tinnitus for long periods, (s)he often has to take recourse to these medications.

Doctors can also try to distract the attention of tinnitus patients by producing several different sound effects, so that the affected people do not feel the agony of tinnitus as much as they might have. These alternative resonance that serve to mask the ringing noises are known as 'white noises', and can be varied in nature. The most popular types of white noises are the rhythmic tones of a waterfall, the sounds of water moving around in a Jacuzzi, or the sounds generated in the cockpit of an aircraft flying at high altitude levels. These sounds, which are available in pre-formatted discs, can indeed provide some respite. However, these sounds cannot sure the problem itself.

There also exist several techniques which can be adopted to lessen the irritation caused by the never-ending noises produced by tinnitus. The affected people can learn these techniques on their own, and, with adequate patience, can easily practice these methods easily. Although these methods also bring some relief, the core problem of tinnitus does stay back.

Even homeopathy, usually an ever-dependable mode of treatment,! fails to! provide any lasting relief to tinnitus patients, who might have turned to such medicines as a final resort. Homeopathic medications also try to tackle only the symptoms of tinnitus, instead of the main causes of the disease. Hence, these methods remain unsuccessful

How Can Tinnitus Cure Be Obtained?

It has been already seen that conventional treatment methods, herbal medicines or the curative measures made up at home are unable to provide effective solutions to tinnitus. The root causes of tinnitus are many in number, and each of these causes has to be spotted and discarded from the system. Since most methods of treatment do not work in this manner, and tackle only the symptoms of the problem, they do not work on a long-term basis. This is where holistic treatments score over others. The holistic remedial measures suggest medicines for tinnitus after locating all the problem-creating causes of the disease. The entire body is viewed as a single structure for this purpose. As a cure for tinnitus, holistic treatments have met much greater success than the conventional approaches.

About the Author

Thomas Colman is an author of the best-selling e-book, "Tinnitus Miracle - A Unique Three Step Holistic System for Quieting the Noise in Your Head". To Learn More About His Unique 3-Step Holistic Tinnitus Cure System Visit: Tinnitus Miracle . For further information visit: Tinnitus Cure

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