Ovarian Cyst Surgery Can Be Avoided
Article by Mary Parker
Surgery in the ovarian cyst is popular among practitioners of conventional medicine when they deal with serious and complex cases of cysts in the ovary. But this is the worst possible thing that could happen to a woman suffering from this condition. This procedure is carried out only in extreme cases and especially when the cyst starts assuming life-threatening proportions. But more than the risks involved, it is actually what effect the surgery will have and the trauma which is often what happens afterwards that becomes important. What you can do however is, well in time, to try to know what the particular conditions in your case are and then take adequate precautions so that you are not beset with complications that will make it impossible for you to avoid a surgery later in life.
Surgery types
Fortunately, the surgery becomes necessary only in a few cases of ovarian cysts. However it might become necessary when the ovarian cyst takes a turn for the worse and becomes serious. Other reasons because of which surgery becomes necessary are the chances of a rupture, some abnormality in the cyst, cancer and other complications. However there can be quite a few types of ovarian cyst surgeries - here are a few of them:
(1) Cystectomy: It aims to remove the ovarian cyst. Actually in this process, just the ovarian cyst is removed while the surgery is carried out, and not the ovary itself. Because of this, women tend to prefer this.
(2) Ovary removal: Sometimes there are more serious conditions of ovarian cysts that may also be of a recurring nature - they can be cured only by the removal of either any one or in some cases even both the ovaries. Naturally, removing the ovaries becomes an extremely emotional issue for women - when the ovaries are removed, it can cause immense trauma amongst women of child bearing age. Fortunately, even when both the ovaries are removed, the woman can still remain fertile. But, this process is best avoided as it can be hugely stressful, traumatic and ! complica ted.
There are two kinds of ovarian cyst surgeries - based on the techniques and the nature
(1) Open surgery: This surgery is carried out by making an open abdomen cut. However the open surgery causes stress and trauma and there may even be some complications when the process is carried out. The recovery process is also often long. But if you need to opt for the open surgery do ensure that you have it done by a skilled surgeon.
(2) Laparoscopic surgery: This surgery is the latest development, and it is less painful and the use of the latest technologies ensures that there is less stress too. When compared to the open surgery, Laparoscopy is safe, painless and it is quick, and the time needed for recovery is also less. But not only that, even the risks involved are fewer - it is therefore much more popular amongst surgeons and patients alike.
Surgery to the ovarian cyst often causes a trauma in women. However, this may be avoided, if a few precautions are taken. The right treatment process should be avoided from the beginning itself - this when done will ensure that there are no final complications of ovarian cyst after the surgery. But in some cases (particularly when they are cancerous) removing the ovarian cyst through surgery remains the only option - because the woman's life can be in danger. In such cases, there is no option but to adopt this procedure. But those are rarities because with care and prevention, surgery can be avoided. Follow the holistic approach because it can make a positive difference by letting you get rid of the ovarian cyst and prevent surgery too.
Care and prevention
There are some conventional treatments and prescription pills that can keep the cyst under control. But the problems is, these conventional treatments often come with side effects, and due to this the cyst keeps thriving and may lead to complications, which ultimately mean that surgery may become necessary. Because of this the problem needs to be cured and not just managed. And t! his can be achieved provided the real causes are eliminated. The fact is, this is only possible through the holistic approach.
To achieve a cure for the cyst, natural remedies are followed by the holistic approach. But there is more to the approach - it promotes healthy living through diet supplements, emotional healing and lifestyle changes. The holistic approach works very well because the practitioner can customize a plan based on the merits of the individual case. And thus before a surgery is opted for, the holistic approach needs to be tried for ovarian cysts. It has been seen that cysts that could be cured only through surgery can also be treated by the holistic approach, and this is due to its multidimensional approach. Do not jump for surgery immediately - get in touch with a holistic practitioner to find out your options.
About the AuthorMary Parker is an author of the best-selling e-book, "Ovarian Cysts No More- The Secrets Of Curing Ovarian Cysts Holistically ". To Learn More About Her Unique 3-Step Holistic Ovarian Cysts Cure System Visit: Ovarian Cysts No More . For further information visit: Ovarian Cyst Surgery
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