Have You Accessed Your Spiritual Gifts Lately?

Article by Sharyce Arciaga

In accessing your spiritual gifts it is noteworthy that while Spiritual Gifts<em> are very important, the fruit of the Spirit is a better test of the genuineness of a person.

Here are the 9 spiritual gifts listed in the Bible in 1 Corinthians 12:1-14

1. Wisdom2. Knowledge3. Discerning various spirits4. Speaking in tongues5. Interpretation of tongues6. Prophecy7. Faith8. Working of miracles9. Healing

In keeping these spiritual gifts in mind I hope that you will try to develop them as well as incorporate them into your daily lives. You have nothing to lose by doing so and everything to gain when you do incorporate them into your life.

Wisdom can be defined as knowing what God or your high power has in store for you. It is being able to recognize Gods plan and what he has prepared for you. This comes from within or from your holy spirit and it is up to you to cultivate this wisdom and draw on it in your daily life.

Knowledge and Understanding is very important because it can help you in your daily living as well. The 'Word of knowledge' can be best described as knowing something without being given the information directly beforehand. This 'Word of Knowledge' could be something as simple as being a good judge of character or knowing that a person is innately good or negative.

With all of the crime in the world today it is important to be able to discern who you will allow into your life and who you will disallow. With the advent of home invasions, serial killings, and those who may want to harm you or your family...this can play a definite role in your safety. Discerning of spirits can fall into this category as well.

Speaking in tongues and interpretation of tongues can be very controversial. It is a communication between you and God that no one else can decipher. This is a gift that I don't use often and I find that if you don't use your gifts you lose them or they become less effective. So once you figure out which gifts you have..! .make su re to use them as often as possible.

According to Wikipedia.org: In religion, a prophet is an individual who is claimed to have been contacted by the supernatural or the divine, and serves as an intermediary with humanity, delivering this newfound knowledge from the supernatural entity to other people. The message that the prophet conveys is called a prophecy.

Is this a gift that you possess? Could a psychic fall under the category as a prophet? What is your opinion? For me, it is all relative and if you are able to serve as an intermediary with humanity this is a beautiful gift to possess.

Faith is something that we all need no matter what you believe. Even if you are an atheist you must have faith that tomorrow will be a better day and that your life is worth living each and every moment.

You must have faith in the goals that you set, faith in your abilities, faith in your families and friends and faith that you will be successful in all of the endeavors that you undertake in life.

You must have faith that when you go out into the world on a daily basis that you will return safely and unharmed. Most of which is taken for granted by many of us but it is all based on faith.

Working of miracles can be accomplished in our lives if we take the time to meditate on the things that we want to occur in our lives. Sometimes this takes some visualization on our parts but we are perfectly capable of creating miracles in our own lives.

They key to creating miracles in our lives is to concentrate on what we want our outcome to be instead of thinking about what we don't want. When you dwell on what you don't want you will only get more of the same result. So make it a habit to picture in your mind's eye the way you WANT your life to be.

Healing is a gift that I believe one can acquire if so desired. I believe that you can learn to heal by studying courses. These courses could include but are not limited to reiki healing, herbal medicinal cures, aromatherapy, deep bre! athing a nd by learning to direct energy to parts of your own or someone elses body. These are just a few of the ways that you can heal both yourself and others.

That covers the 9 main gifts listed in the Bible. However, there are other gifts that you can consider as well. Following are other common spiritual gifts that you may want to consider:

teachers / teaching, 1 Cor 12:28, Rom 12:7, Eph 4:11, showing mercy, Rom 12:8, giving, Rom 12:8, leading, Rom 12:8, administrations / guidance, 1 Cor 12:28, celibacy (I Corinthians 7:7) marriage (I Corinthians 7:7)

It is important for you to be aware of your spiritual gifts because knowing what you are capable of will help you in your daily life. We all need help in our lives at some point and if we keep in mind that we are truly divine, gifted beings and that we are truly blessed it makes life just a little easier!</em>

About the Author

Shayce Arciaga is the Author of this article and she has over 15 years experience as a spiritual counselor. She provides a guide on spiritual gifts and enlightenment and an online community to share ideas on spirituality and self-help topics. Her site includes spiritual articles and interviews from spiritual teachers on practicing meditation, having compassion and living a moral life through wisdom and understanding. Join her community at TheSpiritualArc

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