On the Right Speed in Life: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, August 31, 2012
Hello, good morning, Dr. Rob
Another awesome and amazing day in the universe
On the Right Speed in Life, an intention this day
Yes, not too fast and not too slow
You simply must go at the right speed in life
That right speed is where you be right now I see
Love the key, right speed in thee
No fear, no worry but as you be
Right speed is thee
You start in neutral, not moving you think
But always motion in life you see
Every cell vibrates with thee and moves to be
Now take a step in first gear it be
To start the day, simply motion I say
And move the gears forward with faith
That where you are and where you're going is right
And where you've been all perfect you see
To look and see light and beauty as it be
Now third and fourth, and cruise with me
This is God in all of thee
A smile and breath to love what you see
And life be free
Simple motion and the speed is right
Not to fast nor slow you see
In stillness it be the right speed is thee
A breath and smile
Love, Dr. Rob
Another awesome and amazing day in the universe
As we all move at the right speed called life!
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