5 Easy Ways to Uplift Your Spirit ~ Week 5: Weekly Tips from Judith Geiger


Choose to Be Happy to Uplift Your Spirit

"The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are." – John Pierpont Morgan

This quote says it all…happiness is a choice. I was witness to this truth this past weekend after I woke in an unusually bad mood. I was feeling sorry for myself because of some recent events and I was falling into a real funk. Has this ever happened to you? It is an old pattern of mine that happens much less often now that I have chosen happiness in my life, yet every once in a while it will raise its ugly head for me to deal with.

A couple of times that morning my husband asked "what is wrong with you?" I simply told him I was in a bad mood. He left quietly! One thing I know that often helps me to feel better is to get into motion. No sitting around for me letting it get worse. So I started cleaning. Kitchen first, it was so shiny I could see my reflection in the appliances. Hummm…no better! I moved on to my African Grey parrots room. This is always a challenging job that leaves me feeling satisfied. Not today. It was clean as a whistle and I still felt down. Thinking about this for a minute I realized that I had not consciously chosen to be happy. Right then with my new awareness I declared out loud, "Today I CHOOSE to be happy!"

In about five minutes the phone rang and it was my daughter asking us to come over later for dinner. I heard myself answer in a cheerful voice, "We would love to come." After hanging up the phone I wondered what my voice would have sounded like a few minutes earlier and would I have agreed to go? I could actually feel my energy shifting with my declaration to be happy.

Moments later my husband came into my office and asked if I would like to go with him and our dog for a long walk in the woods. Since I know this is one of my greatest pleasures I said yes, then I said yes to a chat with him under our favorite shade tree and a long horseback ride. By the time I was ready for dinner at my daughter's my funk was completely gone. All because I chose to be happy and then took action to make it so.

How to choose to be happy!

Declare your intention to be happy! Out loud if possible, if not then to yourself. You can hang these words, "I choose to be happy today" on the mirror with a post-it note. This will serve as a reminder through your day.

Get up and get moving. This will start shifting your energy. You want to move the stale energy out of your body. Movement, when possible, is a great way to move toward happiness. My favorite quick trick to feeling better is to go outside and walk in the grass bare footed. This will help to ground you in the now, so you can let go of worry.

Do something you love. It does not matter what it is. Walk your dog, paint a picture, or put on some of your favorite music and dance. Try finding a local Yoga class or practice on your own. Yoga is great for shifting energy.
Close your day with your gratitude journal. This will assist you to wake up ready to choose happiness again tomorrow.

"Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions." -Dalai Lama

Happiness is a choice. What do you choose?

Judith Geiger Master Certified Soul Coaching® Oracle Card Practitioner and Life Coach


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Gorgeous Breeding Stallion at Ease

Breeding stallion Yunque in front of a mare in heat. www.hempfling.com. This magnificent sire is a Pura Raza Española horse (PRE). This clip is also a first entrance into Klaus' unique way of being with horses in the highest sense of their culture which has made him known worldwide. ‪http This video features the horse therapist Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling's work. With his professional background in communications he has shaken up the international horse world. He is working with these powerful, dignified creatures in accordance with nature. The development of the rider's "presence" and an orientation to holistic principles is integral to this work. Klaus has the ability to "know" a horse within a few seconds and within a few minutes of the first meeting, he establishes a relationship so firmly that anything after that is completely based on trust -- creating lifelong friendship with the horses. Klaus Ferdinand Hempfling (latest book The Horse Seeks Me) is touching equestrians worldwide, with response in fields like natural horsemanship, horse whispering, classical and freestyle dressage, equestrian sports, western riding, endurance, eventing and horseback riding in general. He is at the forefront on working and interacting with horses and is known for authentic and effective groundwork according to the horses' nature, often proved and documented with stallions (breeding stallions). He considers the horse's psyche (horse psychology) and communicates via body language with ...

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