Move with Love – Dr. Rob Kiltz

Hello and good morning. Resurrection; that's to die, to live, to let go and love. To somehow see the perfection of all the things that be in your life. We often give, and we expect gratitude. We often do not get that gratitude. Yet, it really is the giving of life that's our growth and creative nature to say thank you, I love you, and move forward with motion. Move with motion, move with love and judge with love. Recognize that what the others see is not what you see. Now see maybe what they see with love. It hurts, yes—They don't appreciate me. Is this really true? I think not. We give to give because it makes us feel good; it's instinctual and our goodness of life. Smile, move forward, and simply live with love. Love is the gratitude of the universe. Life is living with gratitude and love with giving.

Keep giving and giving and giving. Remember, the giving is the getting and meant to be. The buttons are pushed, the old instinctual self is touched and we cry out, Woe is me, not fair, not right. It's perfect. Love is all that matters. I love you and thank you. Every day I learn from you. To simply learn to love and to be patient. It never rains on a sunny day. Every day the sun shines within each of us when we live with gratitude, joy, happiness, and forgiveness in our hearts. Please forgive me if I have sinned or thought or said anything against you, I love you. The buttons are pushed hard in life. It's our old instinctual self in life; and we all grow, we all create, and we all learn. Been there, done that and keep moving. Remember, nothing, nothing, nothing personal—nothing! No! Assume it all good with integrity of life every day. Live with God's integrity and God's love every day; but it's a practice, it's an intention, and it is God's gift. This is Dr. Rob sharing love every single day. God Bless to you.

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