Skill Power: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, August 23, 2012

Hello and good morning
Another awesome and amazing day in the universe
God has granted you and I the beauty and perfection
Of this day, this moment, this right now
And nothing more, nothing less needed in life
Skill Power, my intention of the day

You push and push to have will, you see
The willpower to do, the willpower to be
The willpower to change, the willpower to see
But the trick it be is to learn the skill
To practice the skill, and then you will see
The power in life is purely the doing you see
The skills, the key it beats over all will
Because in the doing you will and learn and see
This is the power of life as it be
The key of all things is in thy perfection
You can think and think, but you must do this day
In the doing, you build the skill to play
To grow and create, to be and to do
For life is the gift of all that he do
See God in all, for God is the key
Now simply go love, skill power it be
Namaste, enjoy the day
Read positive, uplifting this day
Share positive, uplifting words
Think love of that which you fight
And that which you hate
And it will shift and evolve
And teach you this day
The key is to love and forgive I say
Dr. Rob

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