Another Day On: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, August 24, 2012

Hello, good morning, Dr. Rob
Another awesome and amazing day in the universe
God has blessed you and I
With the beauty and perfection of this day
Another Day On, an intention of the day

You say you need it off again
To sit and rest and do nothing within
But this I know, that life is best
When you're completely in and on
On the day and in your life
It's always living it oh, so bright
For we are but what we think and say
All I do is play and pray
My prayer is but of gratitude
And all I know is you
To use this day and be on again
For all is but great within
Now enjoy this day as you get it on
For life is best and blessed I say
Dr. Rob

Another awesome and amazing day in the universe
Enjoy and God Bless

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Fasting for Spiritual Healing Part 1

A basic overview of the why, how and when's of spiritual fasting by a two-time cancer ninja and champion, nurse, mother, and wellness teacher. Helpful links: youtube channels: --liferegenerator Raw Food Lifestyle guru, in depth juicing tips and recipes --TheAfroQween (aka Queen Common Sense) All about Natural living/African Black Soap/social commentary **Information about African Black Soap here: --queenafuatv A certified holistic health consultant, colon therapist, fasting specialist Tags: Fasting, Spirtual Healing, Cancer Survivors, Cancer Warriors, Spirituality, Detoxification, Body Temple, Juicing, Nutrition, Queen Afua, Colon Cleansing, Bad Breath Cure, Regeneration, Beauty Tips, Spiritual Warfare, Meditation, Prayer, Divine, Ahab, Queen Ester, How to Fast, Third Eye, Skin repair, Natural Cures, Nontraditional Medicine, Food pharmacy, Healing spaces, Colon care, The Bible, Spirituality, Wholeness,

Video Rating: 5 / 5


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