Perfection in the Creation – Dr. Rob Kiltz

Hello, good morning
Awesome day, Dr. Rob
Let go, let God, love life
Simple as can be
It's our challenge you see
Because we get so attached, connected to thee
But he is God-and he or she will always be with thee
Have faith you see, all perfect it be
God is you and God is me
Let go, let God, and love thee
For life is free and the gift you see
The ups and downs
And the bumps and ripples – all be good
As God's gift you see
There be nothing bad; yes all is good
For every electron, neutron, and proton
And quarks you see
Create all of you and all of me
Now simply love what it be
Life so perfect, now follow me
For this thy day to love I say
And blessings be with you and me
Dr. Rob

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Relax to Receive (Self-Love) - Guided Meditations by Amethyste Rah

From the CD/MP3 recording Affirmations for Survivors: Self-Love - Guided Meditations by Amethyste Rah. Amethyste Rah is the self-assigned soul name of multi-media artist, survivor/personal growth author/speaker and Black Womens Arts Festival founder Cassendre Xavier. Recommended by health professionals and spiritual teachers, the Affirmations for Survivors series is designed for anyone in recovery from abuse and/or addictions. Background music of light by Thaddeus For more information about Amethyste Rah or to order this recording, visit http

Video Rating: 4 / 5


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