Usui Reiki – Holistic Healing

by Jen R

Article by Galiana Retreat

Usui Reiki is the earliest known form of Reiki. Known to have been discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist in 1922 it uses energy as part of the healing process. In Japanese the word Reiki means mysterious atmosphere. This spiritual healing technique came into being when Dr. Mikao Usui was on a 21 day Buddhist meditation course at Mount Kurama. During this period he acquired some spiritual powers through his crown chakra. This he used as a base to establish the practice of Reiki and began the Reiki Usui Ryoho Gakkai meaning Usui's Spiritual Energy Therapy Method Society and preached to more than 2000 persons during his lifetime. After the death of Dr. Usui, his disciples taught his method to various other people and some of them also developed their own simplified techniques and principles of Reiki.

Usui Reiki essentially rests of 5 major principles or percepts which are: 1. Do not be angry 2. Do not worry 3. Be grateful 4. Work with diligence and 5. Be kind to people

Reiki has today evolved into 2 branches - The Traditional Japanese Reiki and the Western Reiki. Japanese Reiki refers mainly to Reiki Usui method of practice which was kept a secret by the Japanese masters till as late as the 90's. Other Japanese forms of Reiki are Reido Reiki Gakai, Jikiden Reiki and Komoyo Reiki.

The Usui Reiki method consists of light tapping, touching, blowing and looking at the patient during the healing process. This method does not make use of any medicines or instruments as part of healing. The practitioner also touches his palms to the patients ailing areas for transfer of energy and activation of the healing process. Usui Reiki traditionally uses 5 formal hand positions concentrating on the head and neck areas to initiate healing. Western Reiki on the other hand relies more on the body's 7 chakras with palm positions corresponding to them.

Breathing technique forms the center point of Reiki Usuiwherein the practitioner derives their Reiki energy by sitting up straight ! and inha ling slowly. This process draws in Reiki energy through the crown chakra and purifies a body for Reiki.

A Usui Reiki session consists of 3 parts namely Gassho, Reji-ho and Cheriyo. The start of the Usui Reiki session requires one to get into the meditative state by folding of the palms (Gassho). Then the practitioner needs to draw in the Reiki energy through his crown, heart or palm chakra, pray for the wellness of the person to be healed and then ask the Reiki power to guide their palms where their energy is most needed (Reji-ho). The third part requires the practitioner to place their palm on the crown chakra and wait for a direction to guide their palms to the patients ailing areas, heal them and move to the next painful area (Chiryo).

Reiki Usui is especially beneficial for the treatment of various ailments like: • Nervous system disorders • Respiratory problems • Digestive troubles • Treatment of high blood pressure • Anemia and even • Contagious diseases

Though there are been plenty of persons who claim to know Reiki, the practices can be of varied kinds. Usui Reiki is the original and the purest form of Reiki and it is advisable you go in for this healing process if you really want to experience spiritual, physical and emotional healing. Usui Reiki is an excellent way to heal yourself holistically in today's fast paced world where tempers are short, memories shorter and daily lives unpredictable in the city's competitive environment.

About the Author

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Celeste - Reiki Meditation {Guided}

Celeste - Reiki Meditation..... Close your eyes and let the healing begin....

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Reiki Fire: New Information about the Origins of the Reiki Power: A Complete Manual (Shangri-La)

The author, a Reiki master practicing in Japan, traces the origins in a new light following the path of Usuisan back in time through meetings with his descendants and climbing the holy mountain of his enlightenment.

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