Holistic Approach in Medicine

by jikatu

Article by Evelyn Lim

A holistic approach in medicine is mainly aimed to assist the body's natural healing processes. Holistic medicines are the array of healing and self-help practice that are taken from many cultures.

The holistic approach in medicine is mainly achieved through the complementary or alternative therapies and medicine. They provide the non-conventional ways to relieve the symptoms and improve the quality of life. They include the use of acupuncture, herbal medicine, oriental massage, ayurvedic medicines, homeopathic medicines and naturopathic medicines.

The holistic approach in medicine is based on holistic stimulus. Holistic stimulus is the stimulus to the body to persuade it to heal itself. That is, patient's body is stimulated to continue with the job of healing.

There are many holistic stimuli in holistic approaches such as eating habits, stress release and regular exercise. Food is an important raw material for the body to regenerate itself. Hence a change in eating habits can result in major changes in health and amelioration of symptoms.

Stress is the main cause of many illnesses such as the irritable bowel syndrome, stomach ulcers, chronic headaches and high blood pressure. Meditation, breathing techniques, relaxation tapes and autogenic training are some of the effective stress releasing techniques in holistic approaches.

Regular exercise usually results in an improvement in many of the symptoms and it also makes the patients feel fitter and vibrant in themselves. Yoga is one of the effective forms of physical education in holistic approach that stimulates heart, lungs, muscles and other internal organs of the body. Renewed energy and positive attitude are the essential holistic stimulus on the patient's body to activate the healing processes in holistic approaches. Holistic medicines are the wellness-based approaches in medicine and it usually involve the analysis of physical, nutritional, environmental, emotional, social, spiritual and lifestyle values. In! all the se holistic approaches in medicine, patients play an important role in applying the holistic stimulus to them. Holistic approaches in medicine usually include all the modalities of diagnosis and treatment including drugs and surgery.

A holistic approach in medicine stresses on education and responsibility by personal efforts to achieve balance and well-being. While assessing patient's body, holistic practitioners examine the nutritional status, exercise level, and environmental exposures of the patient. The aim of the holistic practitioner is to help the patient to find ways to become healthier and to enhance and strengthen the body's immune system. In contrast, conventional medicines have focused more on the treatment of the disease and the symptoms rather than the treatment of the person as a whole.

With rising incidences of non-curable diseases and illnesses as diagnosed by conventional medicines, more and more people are keen to seek a holistic approach in medicine to healing. It is good to know that many have reported successes.

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