Sitrin expansion could mean happier homecomings for soldiers

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Updated 11/29/2011 04:20 PM

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NEW HARTFORD, N.Y. -- No matter how happy soldiers are to return home from deployments, some need a little extra help making the transition from military to civilian life. The Sitrin Health Care Center in New Hartford says a planned expansion of their Military Rehabilitation Program is aimed at doing just that.

Representatives from Sitrin met with elected officials to discuss plans for the $ 25 million project. It would include a new facility that would focus on a holistic healing approach, as well as equine therapy and a new athletic training facility.

"When you sustain a debilitating injury, be it mental or physical, that's a serious part of you that is hampered. Helping that person through adaptive sports or equine therapy regain that part of their life and that part of their confidence, that's going to help them reintegrate," said Luke Slatton, military liaison for Sitrin.

Funding is still needed for the project, which is also the last step of Sitrin's Master Plan.

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