Crystal Healing & Manifestation Issues

Article by Nicole Lanning

Working with manifestation issues you can incorporate a great deal of things to help boost the energetic vibrational frequency output for the desired outcome. Crystal usage is just one area in which you can create an energetic boost.

There are multiple ways to incorporate crystals with manifestation issues. You can use crystal grid methods with a variety of different crystals and shapes for your grids. You can also use programmed crystals for your manifestation desires. You can also even charge a crystal with intention and Reiki and place this over your desired outcome on an alter or within the area that you spend the most of your time and focus on this topic.

For working with programmed crystals for your manifestation desires you can use a Smoky Quartz and Citrine in a crystal combination. Make sure to hold the Smoky Quartz and Citrine in your dominant hand while focusing on your manifestation anywhere from 15-20 minutes. If your attention span will not hold this long for your focus, start out with a smaller amount of time, such as 5 minutes, and build from there. The more you hold this desire in your mental focus the stronger the energy output will be for your manifestation. After a period of 7 days, make sure to cleanse your crystals.

Depending on the topic of your manifestation and the current state of your life and your mental attitude toward your goal, anything can happen from a week to months for the Universe to align and bring in your desired outcome. The key is to focus, cleanse your crystals once a week, and keep up the work. Everything in life has a gestation period, so allow for ample time for each desire to be fulfilled and have fun with the exercise.

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Many Blessings and Love and Light

Nicole Lanning

About the Author

Nicole is a Natural Born Psychic Medium, Author of Practical Crystal Healing, Ordained Minister, Spiritual Counselor, Reiki Master Teacher and Certified Energy Healer with the International Natural Healers Association and the World Metaphysical Association.

101 Power Crystals: The Ultimate Guide to Magical Crystals, Gems, and Stones for Healing and Transformation

The definitive resource for working with powerful crystals! Sparkling, luminous, and colorful, it is no wonder crystals have always been regarded as a source of power from ancient times to present day. But with the enormous number of crystals now on the market, it is difficult to choose exactly the right stone. In 101 Power Crystals, internationally renowned crystal expert Judy Hall brings together 101 crystals that are powerful across a wide spectrum of uses and suitable for all types of user. Not all crystals suit everyone, and the selection has been specially chosen to offer alternatives and new possibilities that may not have been thought of before.

This complete collection includes high vibration crystals that experienced crystal practitioners will want to explore as well as those with earthier vibrations that are suited to beginners or those developing their sensitivities. It also features some rare and recently discovered crystals and stones that have not been included in any other volume, such as Aurora Quartz, Que Sera, Trigonic Quartz, and Preseli Bluestone. Each entry covers the history, mythology, and symbolism of the crystal in addition to its healing properties and environmental effects. There are crystals and stones for love, health, protection, abundance, and many other powers.

The definitive resource for working with powerful crystals! Sparkling, luminous, and colorful, it is no wonder crystals have always been regarded as a source of power from ancient times to present day. But with the enormous number of crystals now on the market, it is difficult to choose exactly the right stone. In 101 Power Crystals, internationally renowned crystal expert Judy Hall brings together 101 crystals that are powerful across a wide spectrum of uses and suitable for all types of user. Not all crystals suit everyone, and the selection has been specially chosen to offer alternatives and new possibilities that may not have been thought of before.

This comple! te colle ction includes high vibration crystals that experienced crystal practitioners will want to explore as well as those with earthier vibrations that are suited to beginners or those developing their sensitivities. It also features some rare and recently discovered crystals and stones that have not been included in any other volume, such as Aurora Quartz, Que Sera, Trigonic Quartz, and Preseli Bluestone. Each entry covers the history, mythology, and symbolism of the crystal in addition to its healing properties and environmental effects. There are crystals and stones for love, health, protection, abundance, and many other powers.

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