Linear and Holistic Patterns in Sexuality

Article by James Olson

When we look at the sacred geometry of individuals we see that the masculine sexual organ, being primarily linear in structure, and secondarily holistic, reflects the typical masculine perspective - primarily linear (left - brain), and secondarily holistic/circular (right brain). Likewise, in most women, physical (sexual) geometry and mental (perspective) geometry are in harmony, both being holistic, which is inclusive, meaning that both also incorporate a linear component. Naturally, the female sexual organ includes its complement, sharing in miniature one detail with the male.

Right - brain - dominant individuals (whether male or female), because they are largely directed by a holistic - oriented brain, seek wholeness - completion. Completion is sought whether the whole on which they are focused is physical, mental, or spiritual - which is to say, whether their brain is focused on sex or ideas or spiritual relationships. Completion, in a dualistic system, means that each part has a complement - in the choice of a mate, for example. But the diversity of life ensures that there are exceptions to the rules. Thus, a mate can complement us in one energy form and not in another - as when our mate complements us physically (sexually), but not mentally - or vice versa. To clearly understand the effects of this somewhat unusual situation, we need to know a bit more about the relationship between brain dominance, brain perspective, and human sexual drives.

The typical male perspective - linear based, focused, and analytical, and thus probing, designed to penetrate wholes - comes paired with a linear sexual organ that, when focused (erect), is similar - probing, seeking to get into wholes. The typical female perspective is holistic, inclusive, and being so, is primarily interested in exteriors (exteriors are inclusive, they encapsulate wholeness). Her version of greater mental completion is achieved by embodying linear elements in an effort to add detail to her innate sense of context. Natural! ly, we f ind the same pattern - "As above, so below" - in feminine sexual tendencies, where an exterior whole (sexual organ) consumes her attention, and where completion is sought through the inclusion of linear elements - details. Sexually, the detail sought by right-brain-dominant females is a tail (tail, in Latin, is "penis"). But she has her own miniature version of a tail, and in keeping with left - brain mental patterns, most males tend to be drawn to smaller versions of wholes, which in the case of sexual organs means the clitoris - the same structure from which the penis develops, a structural detail the two sexes share, a structure the holistic must incorporate in order to be fully inclusive.

Left-brain-dominant females - directed by the same brain dominance and informed by the same perspective possessed by left-brain-dominant males - tend to have the same physical, mental, and spiritual perceptions and responses as males: they are physically (in our example, sexually), mentally, and spiritually drawn to circular - based structures - holistic structures constructed out of female lines, feminine structures (In sacred geometry, straight lines are considered male lines and curved lines are female lines).

Looking closely at this situation, we see that a reversal in brain dominance tends to create a reversal in mating preference. Holistic males - those with the brain dominance of a typical female - like holistic females, tend to be drawn to males for completion. Dualistic women - those with "male" brain dominance - tend to be drawn to females. Ironically, most dualistic women end up paired with a partner of similar attributes - a dualistic female - rather than with her natural complement, a holistic male (her physical and mental complement) or holistic female (her mental compliment). Since holistic females, like holistic males, are generally drawn to seek a male partner, dualistic women find it difficult to attract holistic women, and end up like holistic men, choosing from a culture that will acc! ept them , that will pair with them - in this case, someone in a similar situation. Although a dualistic female would achieve better physical completion with a male, mental energies have dominance over physical energies; so the soul's quest for understanding, for mental completion, has dominance over any interest in physical harmony.

As you might infer from this geometry, what we have in homosexuality is a response to a situation in which the mental energy body typical of one gender finds itself in the physical body of the opposite gender. Because dualistic women and holistic men fail to conform to our fundamental stereotypes, most cultures are slow to understand them. Failing to understand, people often become fearful. Being fearful, a common response is war in some form.

About the Author

James Olson is a management-trained, philosopher whose studies have included business, engineering, art, Eastern and Western religion, yoga, psychology, language, NLP, and brain perspective. Starting with conservative farm and Christian values, Olson has developed a holistic perspective by integrating the wisdom of ancient Egypt, Eastern religion, and modern revelation, the disciplines of science and business, and liberal European views. To learn more, please visit:

Holistic Wellness for the Hip Hop Generation. pt2

Holistic approaches to mind, body, and spirit can help people make connections between lifestyle factors and illnesses like cancer, obesity, and mental instability. This program features noted members of the rap/hip-hop community discussing the benefits of holistic health choices, as well as instruction and education from filmmaker Supanova Slom. Featured guests include Erykah Badu, Ben Vereen, and Common.

Video Rating: 4 / 5


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