Article by shibumi reiki association

"Imagine a nation of people who no longer know where their center lies. That's what Japan has become in recent decades.One of the major casualties of the Japanese language's rapid and ongoing evolution is the diminishing use of body-related phrases - a phenomenon that reflects how Japanese people's once-visceral connection between their bodies and minds is these days rapidly attenuating." This is what the Japan times had to say about modern Japan.

Within the Japanese teachings of the system of Reiki we work with the hara. This is the area known as the tandien or tanden in China and is a few finger widths below the navel, inside the body. It is the energetic center of the body and the foundation Reiki technique hatsurei ho is based upon the hara.

Many words in the Japanese language utilize the word hara to express the mind-body connection; although the hara is a physical region of the body, it symbolizes a state of centerdness. In modern day Japan, words that have traditionally included hara, giving each word that symbolic state of centredness, are being used less and less.

For example, the Japan Times goes on to say:

" 'Hara ga dekite iru' refers to having a calm mind even in times of urgency - meaning someone who is able to deal with any situation calmly." To put this in its cultural context, he explained: "In the past in Japan, training in Zen or the martial arts strengthened your spirit and allowed you to keep your presence of mind even in the face of death."

Why this lack of popularity? Is it that young Japan no longer recognizes the mind-body connection that has been an integral part of the Japanese culture and philosophy?

The mind-Body connection is clear in the system of Reiki. Especially through the meditations adn techniques that link the hara with the head. This includes the first two symbols and mantras that are taught in the second level of the system. The first connects us to the earth energy thrugh our hara, the second connects us to heavenly ene! rgy thro ugh our minds. When we join these two together we end up with balance; the balance of humankind.

It is a beautiful system that of Reiki; one that reflects a culture that understood the cosmic makeup of people and the universe and how they interrelate. We are blessed to have this information availabale to us today.

About the Author

Bronwen and Frans Stiene are the founders of the International House of Reiki and the Shibumi International Reiki Association. They have been a major influence on global research into the system of Reiki since the early 2000s. Their practical understanding of the Japanese influences on the system have allowed students around the world to connect deeply with this practise.

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