Becoming a Reiki Master

Article by Duane P. Flowers, PhD

Are you ready to be a Reiki Master?

There comes a time in every Reiki practice when a Reiki practitioner considers taking the next step up the Reiki ladder by becoming a Reiki Master. There is a lot of confusion as to what exactly this entails and questions abound as to whether or not the practitioner is ready to take the plunge. This article is for those who are trying to decide if Reiki Mastery is right for them.

What's the difference between a Reiki Master and a Reiki Teacher?

Many people get the term Reiki Master confused with the term Reiki Teacher (and vice versa). In Traditional Japanese Reiki (as with most Eastern disciplines) one must master an art-form before they can endeavor to teach it. In other words, you've got to learn to walk, before you can learn to run.

In the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai (the Original Reiki Association set up by Dr. Usui) there are currently members who have remained at Level Two in their Reiki training for 50 or 60 years. And they have no desire whatsoever to move up, even though they have been religiously practicing for most of their lives. They understand that Reiki energy is not so easily mastered, and they are in no hurry to learn the secrets of the mystery level(s) until they have achieved that mastery. Most of those Reiki Level Two Practitioners know far more about Reiki healing and Reiki energy than the majority of the Reiki Masters in the West. Who is the real Master?

What does it mean to be a Reiki Master?

There are two currently accepted, yet conflicting definitions of what constitutes a Reiki Master. I, along with the more conservative camp, consider a Reiki Master to be a person who has literally mastered Reiki. They understand the theory and have put forward the time and effort necessary to discern and appreciate the subtlety of the Reiki energies. They also understand the spiritual path that Reiki is a part of, and are endeavoring to walk the walk and talk the talk to the best of their abilitie! s.

The second, more liberal definition of what constitutes a Reiki Master, is at present the more accepted one, and that accepts as Reiki Master anyone who has a Reiki Master certificate. There are courses where one pays a certain amount of money and a Reiki attunement is mystically sent off along with a Reiki Master certificate... and thus, the title of Reiki Master is bestowed upon the recipient. By my reckoning, there is about as much chance of becoming a Golf Master as there is of becoming a Reiki Master in such a way. Yet, far be it for me to argue with the masses...

What does a Reiki Master Certificate mean?

This leads to the question of what exactly a Reiki Master Certificate really means and the truth of the matter is, that it depends on who signed it. Most of the certificates I've seen are worthless and merely indications that a Reiki attunement was perhaps performed. There are some teachers who won't accept students for master level training unless they know they are truly ready and their intentions are just. Those are the kind of certificates that have value... those are the kind of teachers you want to find... and those are the kind of teachers you ultimately want to be.

So how do I know when I'm ready?

Okay, you're still reading which means that you haven't been thrown off the scent yet and that is a very good indication that you may very well be ready for the next Reiki rung. the bottom line in regard to this question is that if you've done the training and done the practicing and developed your abilities to understand the subtle energies, then you have, no doubt, also developed the accompanying Reiki intuition. Development of that sixth sense comes naturally and it is that intuition that will tell you when you're ready and will come in the form of a persistent internal nagging that just won't give up... now all that remains is to convince a teacher!

About the Author

Duane has been writing on various subjects for many years. Not only does he specialize in Reiki, you can also check out his latest website on Natural Acne Cures which can also help you to find the best vitamins for acne to help supplement your natural acne cures.

Reiki Healing Music ~ Mind, Body & Soul

'Heavenly Ki' by Harvey Summers -download at iTunes: Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key) is a Japanese word for universal life energy. This energy is also know as 'Ki' (which means the same as Chi in Chinese), 'Prana' in Sanskrit and 'Ti' or 'Ki' in Hawaiian. Reiki, a gentle hand on healing art, provides an easy way to access healing energy. It is a powerful method which helps our bodies,minds and spirits to heal. The recording 'Heavenly Ki' by Harvey Summers is taken from the 'Spiritual Vitamins' CD release 'Reiki'. This album of specially composed meditative music reaches out and touches your inner spirit helping you to embrace the fundamental Reiki principles - Just for today: let go all the anger and worry, count your many blessings and be kind to every living creature. Music samples from the album can be hear on

Video Rating: 4 / 5

The Big Book of Reiki Symbols: The Spiritual Transition of Symbols and Mantras of the Usui System of Natural Healing

The traditional symbols of the Usui System of Reiki take a key position in this unique tradition. Without them and their mantra's, Reiki is not possible. The dedication rituals necessary for the practice of Reiki as well as the complex healings can only be accomplished on the foundation of Usui symbols with the certainty and effectiveness one expects from Reiki. Written in a remarkably precise and lucid style by two foremost authors on Reiki, this compendium reveals indispensable information of tremendous spiritual value.

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