Comprehending Reiki Therapy

by inju

Article by Reiki, Reiki masters, Reiki Therapy,

Teaching The Reiki First Degree Attunement - Teaching the New Awakening First Degree Reiki Healing Attunement. This Reiki Master Teacher tutorial how to transfer the attunement is provided free of charge. Use this attunement with our books 'Reiki Healing First Degree', 'Reiki Healing Second Degree', 'Reiki Master and Teacher Handbook', and 'The Seekers Guide for a New Awakening' for the New Awakening Spiritual System available from our website The book and the MP3 downloads work like a lock and key to open your inner consciousness to Divine healing in all aspects of your life; physical, emotional and spiritual. To gain the maximum effects of this spiritual attunement please study the book and the MP3 audio tutorials first. You can download the MP3 audios set and order the book from our website at The New Awakening multimedia system consists of three parts which are the Book, the audio CD set and the spiritual attunement. These three parts of The New Awakening Spiritual System work like a lock and key. The Book is like the lock which contains the knowledge that will empower you. The audio CD sets and the Free Attunements are like the key which transforms the knowledge in the mind to become a heartfelt spiritual experience, awakening you to a higher state of consciousness. Please enjoy your learning experience and have fun - Namaste

Video Rating: 4 / 5


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