A Guided Meditation Reiki Healing Session with original art, music and narration by Asa Audio Downloads are available at: www.sourcevibrations.com Transcription: So, I'd like you to sit back and relax and just focus on your breathing. because in a moment, we are going to be accessing higher vibrational energy from the infinite source of love and healing. And there are many energies that we can access. but for the purposes of this meditation exercise, we are going to access the Reiki energy. So, imagine, if you will, the inside of your body being perfectly hollow. You are an empty cup and as you breathe deeply, relaxing completely, the electric-blue light of Reiki is going to be entering into your body through the top of your head; filling your body up from the bottom up until you are entirely full and overflowing with Reiki healing energy. So, breathe deeply and relax completely and with each inhale, take this Reiki energy in through the top of your head and like water allow it to fall all the down through your body and begin to fill and pool up inside of your feet; filling up your toes, your feet, all the way up to your ankles and as you exhale, exhale the darkness, exhale the stress, the negativity the tension, the fear or whatever ailment is bothering you. Just let it go. Exhale. Inhale in this Reiki light; filling up your legs, all the way up to your knees, all the way up to your waist. Exhaling your concerns, your fears, your worries. Allowing yourself to completely ...Video Rating: 4 / 5
This is a handbook that reports on all of the major aspects of Reiki in a concentrated and extensive manner, including both the latest information and developments and traditional knowledge.
It should come as no surprise that people in developing countries consume fewer calories than the developed countries of the world. Also unsurprisingly, the income level of inhabitants of developing countries is far lower than in the developed world. However, the disparity of the percent of household income spent on food may surprise you. Food Service Warehouse , a restaurant equipment and supplies web store, put together an interactive display that explores global food consumption and income spent on food. Click below to check it out: After working on a more light-hearted graphic about the world of competitive eating , Food Service Warehouse (FSW) took interest in the average caloric consumption around the world. While no countries are consuming anywhere near the estimated 20,000+ calories that Joey Chestnut ate in a hot dog eating contest, many of the high-consumption countries are well above the average recommended daily amount (according to the FAO, roughly 2,400 calories per d...
by Looking for a Lighthouse Article by Alexandra Carr
GEOBIOLOGY AND SALT CRYSTAL LAMPS: MEDICINE FOR OUR HOME By Alexandra Carr Our homes need healing, what sickens our homes? Today, people are continually bombarded by harmful positive ions, whether they realize it or not.These positive ions are generated by several factors, such as, the vast increase of electrical appliances within our homes, high tension power lines and subterranean sources of harmful telluric waves. These subterranean vibrations are also known as Hartmann networks, and although we may not be aware of it, these networks can alter our health and disturb our mental vitality.Since ancient times, obvious links were drawn between states of consciousness, conditions of health, and the places where people lived and prayed.Before building a home, ancient Romans typically let sheep graze on a terrain for a whole year. This would allow builder...
Hi, Dr. Rob, another awesome and amazing day in the universe. God has granted you and I the beauty and perfection of this day, this moment, this everything – no matter what with all of its perfection, all of its challenges, and all that comes. Remember, that 'terrorist' thought; the problem is not with our issues, and not with our bodies, and not with what's out there. It's with the thinking and the mind; it's misalignment of the mind. That's what this is all about misalignment of the mind and your thinking. It's all love, it's all gratitude, and it's all trust and faith. Give. It all comes to you with giving and love. Nothing personal – nothing. Give love, and love will return to you. Be generous and kind, and let go. I know for me, I felt the pain. That is the signal to keep moving forward. Why would you climb the mountain when you can go through it? That's the miracle of life and the universe, it's in you. When you...
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