Treating Asthma With Aromatherapy

Article by ElmerFizz

Asthma - for those affected by this complaint the very word willsometimes bring cold shivers.

For those lucky people who don't know much about asthma, it is arespiratory disorder characterized by recurring episodes ofwheezing, shortness of breath, cough and thick mucous productioncaused by inflammation or spasm of the bronchi.

An attack of asthma can be triggered by exposure to an allergen,strenuous exercise or infection. In between attacks, the suffererbreathes normally, but treatment should be ongoing to helpprevent inflammation, and thus attacks that are in some cases,life-threatening. This is because during an attack therespiratory mucosa lining the airways swells, the smooth musclelining the bronchiolar walls contracts and much thick mucous issecreted into the airways causing the sufferer great difficultyin breathing.

Another problem is the body's own response to the inflammation ofthe airways. The immune system sends out white blood cellscontaining leukotrienes to deal with it, but these chemicalcompounds cause further swelling of the mucous membrane,constriction of the smooth muscle and even more mucous, thusexacerbating the problem.

During an attack the suffer experiences extreme fatigue andanxiety which both make the condition worse. Treatment consistsof the use controlling or preventing the inflammation fromoccurring in the first place by removal of the offendingallergens or cause, but in the case of allergens, it is notalways possible to identify the culprit.

Bronchodilators must be used to expand the airways, with constantuse of two medications that give both long and short-term relief.It is also possible to use aromatherapy to aid in both preventionand treatment of asthma, but the sufferer should never simply gooff medication prescribed by the doctor.

To reduce air pollution (bacteria and allergens) place in anatomizer containing an ounce of purified water, 1 drop each ofpeppermint (mentha x piperita)and tea-tree oil (Melaleuca alternifolia), ! 2 drops of pine oil (pinus sylvestris) andbergamot (citrus bergamia) and 3 of eucalyptus (Eucalyptuscitriodora). Spray the air frequently or dampen a tissue with itand inhale.

Another good inhalation that can also be used in the bath or as achest rub to stimulate the removal of mucous, is a mix of 12drops of Clary Sage (Salvia sclarea), 2 drops of Ravensaraaromatica with 28 drops of Cedarwood, (Juniperus virginiana).

Two oils containing anti inflammatory and anti-infectiousproperties are Clove Bud (Eugenia caryophyllus) and Lemongrass(Cymbopogon flexuosus). They should be mixed together in a 3/1ratio respectively, and inhaled when the presence of cold and fluviruses are suspected.

Another calming inhalation and chest rub can be made by mixing 16drops Lemon, (Citrus limon), 12 drops Clary Sage, (Salviasclarea) and12 drops Angelica, (Angelica archangelica)

A massage oil to help to loosen tight back and chest musclesafter an attack of asthma can be made from the followingingredients. Take 2 tablespoons of almond oil and add 3 dropsYlang, Ylang, (Cananga odorata), 3 drops Eucalyptus, (Eucalyptussmithii), 16 drops Lavender, Lavendula angustifolia and 3 dropsPeppermint, (Mentha x piperita).

Many of these oils can aid in calming the sufferer during anattack, a difficult emotion to achieve while struggling forbreath. However, anxiety makes the body's oxygen needs escalate,while a person who can remain calm needs much less oxygen and canremain more in control of the situation.

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