Holistic Strategies To Break Your Sugar Addiction

Article by Clara Myers

" Do you ever watch television shows about addiction?They're always so shocking. In one episode a man addicted to heroin lost everything -- family, friends, career, home -- all to chase a high that has ruined his health and will inevitably kill him.Would you be surprised to learn that there is a legal substance that is just as addictive and destructive as heroin? It may sound like a bad joke, but the truth is that sugar and heroin have a lot in common.Both substances start out as plant extracts. Heroin is extracted from the poppy, and sugar from sugar cane. In the lab, they're refined into very addictive substances.Would you be surprised to learn that there is a legal substance that is just as addictive and destructive as heroin? One may be more socialy acceptable than the other, but they both have devastating effects on your health.Heroin damages the brain first, then moves on to the heart and lungs.The majority of heroin addicts never break the addiction and overdose.The damage from sugar is much more systemic -- it affects every bodily system. Most people experience this as feeling lethargic, moody, or depressed without sugar.Feeding your sugar addiction results in a constellation of diseases ranging from insulin resistance to diabetes. In fact, sugar addiction can cause more than 150 health problems including --*pre menstrual syndrome (PMS)* polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)* night sweats* chronic fatigue* candida* wrinkles* premature aging* depression* sexual dysfunctionConsidering that adults consume about 160 pounds of sugar each year,you might say sugar is more devastating than heroin.Fortunately, disease and depression don't have to be a way of life.You can erase sugar-related damage to your body while at the same time ridding yourself of brain fog and various chronic health problems.If you recognize that you're a sugar addict and are searching for tools to stop sugar cravings and finally break your addiction to sugar, visit http://www.menstrual-cramps.org/menstrual-cramp-relief/sugar-free! -lifesty le/"

About the Author

Sugar addiction is dangerous threat to health. Various treatment and recovery program are available to save from diabetes and heart problems. If you are interested to know more on sugar addiction and how to control blood sugar then visit our website.

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