5 Reasons To Take Up Yoga
Article by Sam Qam
I can touch my toes!Yoga is currently one of the most popular ways for people to keep fit and flexible in the UK. The main aim of yoga is to make everyone that practises it spiritually, physically and emotionally stable through a combination of breathing, stretching and relaxation exercises. If you took up yoga you would go along to a class and along with a class, you would be shown how to do a routine of movements that will work your body gently and focus your mind on being calm. After doing it for a while you would gain:1 FlexibilityBasically if you have ever done warm up stretches before doing some kind of sport, then yoga is much the same as this, except with some much more complicated stretches and series of movements. After a while you will find that you are much more flexible and you can probably touch your toes!2 RelaxationYoga is really good for making people relax. By making you focus on your breathing and by taking part in the calm and slow nature of the class, you will become calmer in general, especially if you eventually practice yoga every day. 3 General FitnessSome top sports men and women now incorporate yoga into their fitness regimes. It helps with the stretching and toning of muscles as well as working your heart and lungs so that your general fitness improves the more yoga you do. There is even a more extreme version of yoga which does everything quite fast, certainly getting your blood pumping.4 SocialAn often overlooked aspect of yoga is the social aspect of going to the class and hanging out with people who share a common interest. When you really get into yoga many people completely love it, sometimes even buying all kinds of chakra jewellery, pillar candles and yoga mats to make their yoga experience even better. Also, people tend to go regularly to the same class with many of the same people, adding a new circle of friends that you have something in common with. 5 CareerFor people who really love yoga, it is possible to turn an initial interest into a whole career. All y! ou need to do is to practice yoga a lot, go through a couple of dozen assessments and get whole load of experience teaching before starting business, advertising and running classes of your own. Plus a trip to study in India is practically obligatory.
About the AuthorSam Qam is a yoga instructor. He buys chakra jewellery and pillar candles in bulk so he can sell them to students.
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