Holistic Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy in Los Angeles

Article by Chris Robertson

If you are interested in hypnosis and hypnotherapy, you may have wondered what the difference is between the two. Well, actually they are pretty much the same thing. Whether you call it hypnosis or hypnotherapy, the practice uses relaxation, concentration, and focused attention to reach a state of heightened awareness. With help from a trained hypnotist, the person who is in this state, which some call a trance, can focus on particular thoughts or issues.

Through mental concentration and physical relaxation hypnosis helps people explore their unconscious. It may help them address feeling or memories that are too painful to think about consciously. Individuals can be hypnotized by a trained hypnotist or they can learn the technique and hypnotize themselves through a process called self-hypnosis.

Hypnosis may help people deal with pain control, overeating, fears, anxiety, sleeping disorders, depression, grief, smoking, stress, post-traumatic stress, and depression. Hypnotherapists help their clients gain insights, eliminate negative feelings, develop healthy habits, discover causes of problems, reduce limiting beliefs, and strengthen self-control. Hypnosis counselors can help people overcome alcoholism and drug addiction. As an alternative medicine therapy, hypnosis can help improve overall health and wellness.

Hypnotists may specialize. In Los Angeles, for example, hypnotists specialize in services such as weight control, spiritual development, fear management, sports performance, interpersonal relationships, physical health, and mental health, among other specialties. They may also have a more general hypnosis practice.

Hypnosis is not a dangerous practice. Counter to common myths, hypnotherapy cannot make people do things they do not want to do. Hypnosis is neither brain washing nor mind control. As used these days it is more of a counseling technique for people with acute or chronic problems.

Magicians and comedians of days gone by pretended to use hypnosis to mak! e people do embarrassing, unsafe, or uncharacteristic things. These antics were misrepresentations and distortions of techniques that serve helpful purposes and are not actually used for nefarious purposes. Unfortunately such jokes are what many people think of when they think of hypnosis.

Hypnotherapists typically use hypnosis as one of many tools for helping people. As of 2008, Colorado, Connecticut, Indiana, and Washington are the only three states that have mandatory licensing or registration of hypnotists. While California, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, New Jersey, and Utah do not require licensing or registration, but they do have regulations that govern the practice of hypnosis.

Many schools offer training in hypnosis. The American Council of Hypnotist Examiners (ACHE) certifies hypnosis schools in the United States. ACHE also certifies hypnotists. ACHE certification requires 300 hours of instruction from one of its approved schools. ACHE is a non-profit organization that has taken the lead in the recognition and regulation of hypnotherapy training in the U.S. Hypnosis career training programs must be approved or licensed by state agencies as required by the individual states. In 1976, the Hypnotism Training Institute of Los Angeles became the first state-licensed hypnotherapy institute in the U.S. Currently there are online as well as residential schools of hypnosis in this country.

About the Author

Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web.Learn more about Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy - Los Angeles.

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