Rotator Cuff Exercise And Why It Is Vital

Article by Steve Kaiser

Rotator cuff exercise is vital to either regain or maintain muscle strength. If during shoulder and arm movement the ball of the upper arm is not held tightly, abnormal stress is placed on the surrounding tissue. Over time this can cause weakness and lead to injury. In this respect the cuff is the main stabilizer of the shoulder joint.

Having a strong and healthy cuff is an achievable goal for everyone. Yes, it will require some work and it will certainly involve a degree of dedication. The end result certainly will be worth all that effort.

The importance of balance

The rotator cuff muscles are the key to initiating arm movement. Although small, compared to most muscles, each muscle has a dedicated role. Each muscle is responsible for movement in a particular direction. Maintaining a muscle strength balance, across the whole rotator cuff, is vital to both stability and arm movement. That is why exercising each of the individual muscles is so important.

Ensuring a muscle strength balance is obtained, or maintained, is a realisable goal. This can easily be done by a straightforward approach to exercise, but be careful. Developing one muscle over the others will lead to an imbalance. Similarly leaving one of the muscles weak will also lead to an imbalance. This will reduce the overall effectiveness of the cuff as a muscle unit. In effect the cuff will only be as strong as the weakest link.

Just as important is to how the cuff works in tandem with the surrounding muscles. Chest muscles, such as the deltoid, take over arm movement from the cuff muscles. If one muscle is strengthened more than another a different imbalance occurs.

The evidence is now irrefutable. A rotator cuff strengthening exercise and rotator cuff stretching exercise program prevents common problems such as

• tendonitis • tears • shoulder impingement • calcification

Age-related changes in tendons can result in them becoming less elastic and more prone to injury. There is a! slow, n atural loss of muscle mass that occurs with aging. These changes can be successfully counteracted with simple strengthening exercises.

The message is crystal clear. If you want your cuff to heal and to stay healthy for longer do some regular exercise

What is the best rotator cuff exercise?

What is the ultimate exercise? The truth is there is simply no such thing. There is no "one size fits all" miracle cure for the rotator cuff. No matter what problems you are suffering they can not be resolved with just one exercise. You can learn more by visiting here Rotator Cuff Exercise

Remember, the cuff is not one muscle or tendon but four. Each of these four muscles has a unique role to play in shoulder movement. That is why there is not one single "must do" exercise. Each individual muscle must be exercised with specific targeted exercises.The great news is that exercise for rotator cuff injury rehabilitation works and can be done by everyone!

About the Author

Steve Kaiser has used exercise to treat his own rotator cuff symptoms. Learn how you could do the same at Rotator Cuff Therapy Exercises . His new book "Natural Rotator Cuff Healing" a comprehensive guide to rotator cuff treatment is available for immediate download.

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