Kp System of Astrology

Article by David Daniel

KP or Krishnamurti Paddhati is an excellent system of astrological predictions, conceived and created by the great Indian astrology master late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurti. KP System is based on the finer points of Indian and Western astrology and borrows important concepts from many branches of astrology. It is regarded to be the most accurate system of prediction. Contrary to classical Hindu astrology beliefs, KP system is systematic and very well defined.Here are some interesting facts about the KP System:• It divides each Constellation / Star / Nakshatra division into 9 further subdivisions called 'SUBS'. These sub divisions are not equal divisions, but are as per the Vimshottari Dashas Divisions System.• KP System uses KP Ayanamsha as opposed to Lahiri Ayanamsha, which is mostly used in Vedic System. The difference between the two is about 6 minutes.• KP system uses Cusps which are the house/ bhav beginnings like in Western System, as opposed to House Centres or Bhav Madhyas used in the Vedic system.• This system uses Placidus House system which is used very often in Western astrology.• KP system gives importance to the zodiac divisions on the basis of Constellations / Stars / Nakshatras. A planet in its dasha gives results as per its Nakshatra-Swami (Star-Lord) rather than the planet itself. Hence the Planet represents the SOURCE, that Planet's Star-Lord represents the EFFECTS, RESULTS and the Planet's SUB gives an idea of the Final Direction of that result.• KP uses Ruling Planets' methodology which says that the planets at the time of desire and fructification are always the same.• The House characteristics are given more importance than the planetary characteristics.• KP system discards many popular classical astrology principles like divisional charts and yogas.KP goes beyond stellar and makes use of the sub lord of houses and planets. The basic principle of KP method is that the results are offered by the star lord (constellation) of any planet and whether it is good or bad,! will materialize or not will be decided by the sub lord. Houses (cuspal) sub lord promises various events during the lifetime of the user. Planetary sub lord decides if it is going to materialize in its dasa period. The Western system is based on aspects, which the planets make among themselves, and aspects they make with the houses.David Daniel is a consultant astrologer, Vaastu Expert, Reiki Healer, palmist and clinical hypnotherapist with an experience of more than 8 years. He has studied in depth the science astrology, tarot, numerology, Vedic astrology, horoscope and more. and has been awarded the title of Jyotish Praveen, Jyotish Visharad from the Indian council of astrological science, Chennai.

About the Author

David Daniel is a consultant astrologer, Vaastu Expert, Reiki Healer, palmist and clinical hypnotherapist with an experience of more than 8 years. He has studied in depth the science of astrology, tarot, numerology,vedic astrology, horoscope and more. and has been awarded the title of Jyotish Praveen, Jyotish Visharad from the Indian council of astrological science, Chennai.

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