Part of a Plan You Can’t See: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, July 27, 2012

Hello and good morning, Dr. Rob
Another awesome and amazing day in the universe
Part of a Plan You Can't See
An intention of the day

Yes this universe is created for all that be
And you and me are but part of thee
A plan so amazing and grand it be
And you and I cannot see
But then again, you are all there is
And you create of what it be
And now to see the beauty is thee
For God creates all that be
And he creates the secret you see
All a dream and vision from thee
Now the secret of life is clear
But a thought and dream, my dear
Open up and see the light
That God is all there, be at night
And then the light will come to thee
All so perfect as it be
The secret is that you see
With all thy faith and perfect it be
Now love the day and all there be
For you and I are but of thee
Namaste, Dr. Rob

Another awesome and amazing day in the universe

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