Saying Yes in Life – Dr. Rob Kiltz

Hello and good morning, Dr. Rob. Another awesome and amazing day in the universe. Say 'yes' in life. Yes, every day the word is yes, and often I think it should be no. No, I don't think that it should be yes. Some days there's that 'no', and no is OK too; but if the words are yes, and I leap in, life unfolds in such beauty every day.

The practice of life is the beauty of every day. I know God has gifted us such awesome and amazing experiences of the universe. Every day God has gifted you and I the beauty and perfection of the day. With love, generosity, and kindness amazing things come. In our old, instinctual self it can be a challenge to take nothing personal, to always do your best. Remember, today's best is an improvement over yesterday. The beauty of the trees, how tall they are; they too, through experience have learned to hold strong and to grow tall. The weak branches break off, old leaves die and fall, and then new ones come. Every year, it's the cycle of the universe, every day the cycle of life. We are the energy and the creator of the universe. Love; be loving, kind, generous. Be your words; that's all we be. Every day share the day with Yes, how can I do better? How can I help? every day. We each are living in this universe with graciousness and gratitude. Every day it's called love, generosity, and kindness.

Practice, practice. Life is practice. Now be loving and kind to yourself first – always to yourself. As you're loving and kind to yourself, the vibration to others will happen. Yes, how may I help? How may I do better? My blessings and love to you this day as every day. This is Dr. Rob – words of love, kindness, generosity, and goodness. How may I do better? When you're helping others, amazing things come. I love you. Yes, thank you God for this day. For this day we are blessed. For goodness is amongst us. The evolution of the universe is that which you create. Visualize the dream, hold the dream, and hold the goodness of all.

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Raindrop Technique Demo by Susie Beiler

This video demonstrates Susie Beiler, Holistic Health Counselor and Occupational Therapist of Spectrum Health Consulting and Shamalada Healing Sanctuary performing Raindrop Technique using Young Living Essential Oils. Using relexology and massage, Oregano, Thyme, Basil, Wintergreen, Marjoram, Cypress, and Peppermint are distributed on the feet and along the spine. This modality is helpful in healing scoliosis, back pain, cancer, congestion, and energy imbalances. http

Video Rating: 5 / 5


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