Aromatherapy in Pregnancy
Article by Sharon
Essential oils can bring relief from the many minor troubles which can occur during pregnancy. Discomforts commonly experienced by women include morning sickness, backache, constipation and exhaustion. Coping with these discomforts can be especially difficult while the women is working or if there is a small child to look after in the home.
Nausea which typically occurs in the morning, is often one of the first signs that a woman is pregnant. Inhalations with a vaporizer can be helpful at bedtime and first thing in the morning.
Constipation is another early sign of pregnancy. Prepare essential oils in a suitable carrier oil and apply them to the abdomen in a clockwise direction. Alternatively use the oils in the bath. Eating a healthy diet and drinking plenty of water will help to reduce the risk of constipation.
By the beginning of the second trimester, your clothes will begin to feel tighter as the abdomen swells. Start using essential oils at this time to prevent stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen, through the application of appropriate essential oils is possible to maintain a supple and undamaged skin and you will greatly appreciate your efforts after the baby arrives.
As your baby grows so the likelihood of backache increases. Sitting and standing with correct posture can go a long way to minimize backache, but it will usually occur at some stage and can be helped with essential oils when it does. Include such oils like basil and marjoram in the massage mix these can also be used if you suffer from leg cramps later on.
Much of the pain of childbirth, particularly with a first child is due to the muscles at the neck of the uterus and perineum being tense which means that they can tear when stretched. This can be eased with an application of muscle relaxing essential oils in a vegetable carrier oil.
There are some oils which are particularly useful in the labour itself. In the past these were limited to lavender and Clary sage for their calming and rela! xing eff ects. However there are a few oils with womb stimulant and analgesic properties, and these can help with contractions: aniseed, clove bud, nutmeg and sage.
Essential oils can be used to help with the common emotional stresses and physical problems arising as a result of the birth. Use 6 drops of the appropriate oils blended in tsp of Calendula oil for application. Or alternatively these can be used on their own in a bath.
During the birth the perineum may become bruised or torn and can be very painful afterwards. Using the three perineum oils, gently apply them several times a day. If the area is too painful to touch use a compress instead.
After the birth, it will take a while before your hormones return to normal. This can be a stressful time as you have a new baby to care for just when you are feeling in need of care yourself. Fatigue, anxiety and emotional imbalances are quite common. Essential oils can help before post natal depression sets in.
About the Author
Sharon Digby has been a mobile beauty therapist for over 10 years and runs Million Dollar Beauty Salon ( and specialises in mobile beauty treatments including massage in the Orpington area of Kent.
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