Just a Guest: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, July 31, 2012

Hello, good morning
A beautiful day, Dr. Rob
Another awesome and amazing day
Just a Guest, an intention of the day

For you and I are guests, you see
Only here temporary as it be
A moment you see, a flash of light
A flash be life, and you only live once
And this is thy sight
And guests we be
And when we treat it as that
Kind we see, to love all that be
For life is free
And but a guest we be
To share and love this life you see
All be perfect as it be
Here I am to love all you
And this I do, in life you see
For how perfect all in life it be
And I love this life and what you see
No fear it be of all you see
A moment, a flash, and then you crash
Crash into another universe you see
And all does open to what it be
All so perfect in this light
All so perfect in this life
Give in life and all that be
Yes, all so perfect as you see
The bumps and ripples give us life
On the wave and all we crave
Is to send thy light and love to thee
And now I see the gods we be
And thank you God for this day
All life and love do thee play
And blessings to you and all you do
Dr. Rob

Another awesome and amazing day in the universe

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Brain Tips with Banya (Hair Loss)

In this episode of Brain Tips, acupuncturist Banya Lim demonstrates exercises to diminish hair loss. To learn more about Brain Wave Vibration visit: www.brainwavevibration.com

Video Rating: 4 / 5


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