Painless Cancer Treatment

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Article by Sheila Ulrich

As a skin cancer survivor I used the painless and easy arts and sciences of energy balancing and energy healing

to heal myself from terminal melanoma--that is, fatal skin cancer.

I overcame Stage 4 skin cancer through the use, among other things, of natural cancer treatments including energy

work. Now I dedicate myself to giving cancer support and facilitating cancer healing to anyone who suffers from this

terrifying condition.

One thing I want all people to know is that they need to understand something basic about cancer: everyone in the

world can have cancer cells. The question is do you have the body, mind and spirit to kill the cells. What this means for

each one of us is that we can all get cancer under the "right" circumstances. But it also means that we are clearly

equipped to deal with and survive cancer through natural healing, too.

Cancer has only become a regularly occurring disease since the beginning of the 20th century. And it only became the

virtual epidemic that it is in the last 50 or 60 years. Our lifestyles and diets coupled with the ever increasing use of

powerful synthetic medications are the culprit behind this tragic fact.

The use of natural energy work to treat and heal from cancer involves adopting an understanding that is at one and the

same time ancient but new. The body is an energy field and naturally has an energy field all around and throughout

itself. This fact is well-established and well known to people who practice ancient healing sciences involving the

Chakras and Qi ("chi") energy meridians that extend like a web throughout the body.

For some reason, the Orient wound up remaining more in touch with this knowledge than the West in the last few

hundred years, as the West became more advanced in other areas of medicine. The ironic tragedy is that the West's

religion of Christianity is largely responsible for the loss of this knowledge, as the C! hurch so ught to suppress any

teaching that authorities could not find a foundation for in the bible.

But of course modern Western science knows full well that energy is all around us, that all matter is a state of energy

and can become energy, and that the human body and brain create measurable energy fields. And the knowledge of

how to use the body's energies for healing, including healing from cancer, is on the rise in the West once more.

The ancient wisdom concerning this natural cancer treatment tells us that we have an Aetheric Body, an Emotional

Body, a Mental Body, and an Astral Body, all of which come together within the physical body. This fact is analogous to

the "mind-body" connection that more and more medical professionals and health experts are taking with scientific

seriousness. So, it follows that one of the most important parts of the use of energy work to heal from cancer is the

power of positive thinking and meditating on positive imagery--that is, thinking that you can and will heal, and being able

to "see" your cancer diminishing and an image of yourself whole and healthy, rid of the cancer.

Imagining these things as real visions of the near future and not "just" fantasy generates a certain kind of energy in the

body by this action's nature--and that energy is cancer-fighting and healing.

If you have ever heard of people who had a terminal illness like cancer making themselves well without even really

trying by watching hours and hours of comedy movies on DVD, you have heard a tale of energy healing. The people in

question, probably without realizing it, were altering the energy state of their Emotional Body; instead of feeling defeated

and dying, they made themselves feel joyful about life, they laughed in the face of Death until Death lost all dominion

over them. The rest of the bodies picked up on this alteration and together they acted to kill the cancer.

One type of e! nergy he aling work that is making strong inroads now in the West is Reiki. A Japanese word roughly

meaning "universal life energy", Reiki practitioners are skilled in using light touches upon the body to positively influence

the Aetheric Body, the personal energy "bubble" that surrounds us. Highly skilled masters can even influence healing

from a distance, as long as their target patient has a receptive attitude.

About the Author

About the Author: Sheila Ulrich, a cancer survivor speaker,

healed from stage 4 cancer and now provides cancer support, hope,

inspiration, and tools to others to help heal the body mind and spirit. Claim your free report on how she survived cancer


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