Energy Healing and Gifted Children

Article by John Williams

All kids are gifted. And although it often goes unsaid, it is undoubtedly our responsibility as adults to identify, induce, and name the giftedness in each child. It is vitally significant that we identify gifts, because people cannot see their own gifts except when they are accepted in contrast with others. Even for the profoundly gifted, their flair and its expression are "normal" to them. It is also imperative to focus on a kid's giftedness because there is an increasing trend to do the opposite: to look for and brand children as "disordered." There seems to be an increasing volume of kids who are talented in unusual or unusually forceful ways. Many of these youngsters do not find traditional schools helpful or happy places. It is my opinion, those diagnosed as "learning disordered" are actually "differently ordered" when measured by the shrinking definition of (educationally) "normal".It isn't simple to tell if the phenomenon of kids who are differently ordered is new, or whether it has always been with us. We don't understand if evolution is having a hand in producing brighter children who have different ways of knowing and accessing experience than past generations. We have no idea what the collective effect of electromagnetic fields such as cell phones, computers, videogames, microwave ovens, wireless environments, etc. is on those born after these items became prevalent. We also don't know if it is simply that our reporting systems and criteria are more advanced and able to differentiate what would have previously gone unnoticed.What we do understand is that there is a shocking rise in medicating children with psychotropic drugs so that they can fit in better at school. And we do realize that there are rising reports of very sensitive children, some with abilities beyond the norm. Finally, we understand that traditional schooling has no tools to measure these gifts as competencies - and even if they did, it is improbable they would be honored and supported as valuable intelligences.As a me! dium who offers spiritual, psychological, and emotional information and treatment for adults and adolescence alike, I believe that an increasing number of children are "multi-sensory." This is a term I use for children who gather information, experience life, and/or express themselves via more than five senses and/or through multiple senses with great intensity. The characteristics linked to "learning disorders" lead me to sense that many children who fall under these categories are multi-sensory, and are caught in a system that cannot see or recognize them as gifted or value their differences as gifts.My perceptions about giftedness, as well as some ways to learn from and support these children, can be found on the Chicago Healers website, where the full version of this article is located. Take a look at healing energy. In the main article there, you can learn my opinions of children with Autism, ADHD, ADD & highly-sensitive children, along with practical recommendations for Multi-Sensory Children.Therese Rowley Ph.D., energy healer, is a practitioner, a management consultant, educator, and medium. She has facilitated leadership development and accelerated change for leaders and orgs over the last 25 years.Dr. Rowley's practice as a medium most recently included families with adolescents who are spiritually and/or intuitively gifted. Based on her experience with patients and with her research into this area, she produced a video on The Misdiagnosis of Gifted Children, interviewing experts from across the USA on this phenomenon. Based on her organizational change expertise, she is now speaking about multi-sensory children and offering new perspectives.

About the Author

John Williams writes regularly about health related topics. I hope you enjoy this article.

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