If You Want To Lose Weight Try Aromatherapy

Article by John Savage

All of us would like to see ourselves well groomed and fit enough to look great and flaunt those athletic physiques among friends and relatives. Unfortunately, it is not always possible for the most obvious reasons; we simply can not maintain our ideal body weight.

For some people the dilemma of being overweight starts first in the mind: It is all psychological and once the mind is healthy, the slimmer body will automatically follow. Mentally, aromatherapy can help you to fight stress and lift your mood.The connection between smell and emotion are thought to be extremely close. Taking a deep breath of pleasant smells triggers positive reactions in the brain, resulting in a sense of wellbeing and goodness.

Now of course it has to be said that we are all very unique, and although oil might work well for one person it does not necessarily mean it will work the same for the next person. The way the oils are used could also make a difference; one person might benefit more by using the oils in the bath, whereas another person might find that inhalation, massage or burning the oils will work better.

The same theory holds good when it comes to human weight; The more you feel good and healthy, the more care you will take with your physical well being. A regular aromatherapy session can certainly help you to achieve weight loss, by increasing your sense of well being and relaxation.

However, aromatherapy cannot produce your desired weight loss without you creating your own calorie deficit regime, either by eating a calorie reduced weight loss diet, or by increasing calories burned through rigorous exercise, or more ideally by a combination of diet and exercise.

Aromatherapy has proven to be very useful for this weight loss. This natural way of treating your body has no side effect at all as compared to other treatments.

Certain essential oils are very useful in a weight loss program such as Birch, Grapefruit, Juniper, Lemon, Orange, Tangerine, and Fennel. Massage is pr! obably t he best method and oils must be used with base oils like sweet almond, which makes oil less strong and easy to use. Applying oil to those places where fatty tissues are in more abundance will really help to reduce the fat level and make your physique well shaped.

Essential oils used here are not only sweet smelling but have also the capacity to make your digestive system good, that in turn also helps in weight reduction. However one must see that the oils used should be in moderate amount and mixed with carrier oil before using. A calculated dosage, rigorous exercise workout and a strict diet will go a long way to achieving significant weight loss.

About the Author

john savage has a Blog where you can find out about the power of Aromatherapy. Click Here to visit his Blog.

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