Cancer Therapy Options

by inju

Article by John Daniel Rivera

Alternative cancer therapy options bypasses conventional methods and go beyond the traditional chemotherapy and radiation. Nowadays, it has gain wide popularity since most European, Chinese and Japanese doctors are practicing it and gaining confidence to this treatment. Here are some cancer therapy options:

Pranic healing

In layman's term it treats the patient at the subatomic level where it will help restore the balance of energy in our body. Practicioners of this approach can sense that you have a problem in a specific area by sensing the flow of your energy. In short pranic healing restore the and realign our electromagnetic field. And exciting approach also..


The Japanese art of alternative cancer therapy, it also works along similar ideas. A Reiki master can unstop your congested energy pathways to relieve the patient of the pain of the disease and eventually bring healing to patient.

Naturopathy and Homeopathy

Naturopathy and Homeopathy are another different approach. These therapies believe in achieving bodily harmony, which in turn rouses the self-healing process. The focus is much more on changing the diet; emphasis is given much more on fresh juice, fresh fruits and fresh veggies with the application of proper exercise and changing damaging lifestyle that cause lifestyle diseasesWhile Homeopathic treatment triggers a defense mechanism to fight diseases, Naturopathic treatment on the other hand like Homeopathy, emphasize more on herbal approach or electrical treatment to achieve bodily healing.

Oxygen therapy

Oxygen Cannot Cure Disease Unless It's Delivered to the Cells and Tissues of the Body. This treatment activates the movement of oxygen atoms from the bloodstream to the cells to a radically greater degree than is usually reached by other means. Now, once the environment in our body is highly oxygenated no diseases can thrive. This one is applicable not only to cancer but to all diseases as well.

Gaining popularity also in t! he alter native cancer therapy is the combination of physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual therapies, medical science are starting to see to connecting the link between the physical body and the emotional body which is highly spiritual.

There are so many cancer therapy options that need to be brought up and discuss here. But for more information about oxygen therapy just follow the link below and you will discovered how powerful this treatment is not only to cancer.

For the 5minute video presentation and for your own copy click here:

About the Author

This article is written by john daniel rivera who is an advocate for natural health and healing, and has been in the field of health for quite a few years. He is interested in illuminating individuals and helping others return to a better quality of health. If you would like to learn more about his approach, please feel free to visit

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