Health Benefits of Aromatherapy and Essential Oils
Article by Toni C
In a nut shell, aromatherapy is the practice of making use of fragrances or aromas, extracted from plant or fruit sources, for the purpose of ones mental and physical well being. Essential oils are taken from plants known as "volatile" plants. When we inhale the aroma from these oils, the brain releases synergistic chemicals which will affect ones emotions. Each type of essential oil will have a specific healing quality. In short these oils have medicinal qualities that are capable of healing ones body and mind. The practice of aromatherapy goes back thousands of years, such as when the ancient Egyptian people burnt frankincense. They believed smelling this would help clear ones mind. The following are some examples of how aromatherapy can benefit a person.
If one wants to feel relaxed and calm then the scents of jasmine, chamomile, lavender and rose can be of great help. Lavender essential oils are especially good for stress relief.
Some types of essential oils are very good for pain relief. Eucalyptus oils are a great remedy to battle cold related symptoms. It accomplishes this by breaking up any blockages in ones airways to help make breathing easier. If one has any muscle related pain then the anise seed oils can be very effective. Just massage the affected area and one will become pain and ache free.
Essential oils of peppermint, cinnamon and rosemary are very effective in increasing ones alertness. It will help one to focus better and increase clarity of thinking. If one is in a bad mood or feeling depressed and need a mood enhancer, then the oils of ylang ylang and geranium can be very effective.
For those people who are suffering sleep deprivation then lavender and chamomile oils can be used. If the air in a room feels and smells unpleasant then lemon and frankincense oils will help clear and purify the air. For those who want spiritual harmony then sandalwood and frankincense essential oils can be used. As mentioned before, using aromas for religious or spiritual p! urposes goes back a long time.
Energy enhancement is something most of us need. If a person uses ginger, rosemary and peppermint oils, they will feel like they can go out and conquer the world. When purchasing essential oils, it is important to use natural and if possible organic materials. The market today is flooded with synthetic products.
About the AuthorToni C enjoys articles on a variety of topics. Visit his latest website for information on the soothing and relaxing effects of lavender essential oil.
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