Dance: An Activity Contributing To The Holistic Development Of Children

Article by Osawebmastersix

The magic of dance lies in its majestic movements and expressions. Dance is one of those physical activities in which the large body muscles as well as small muscles work together. While dancing, the dancer shows great coordination between hand, feet and eyes. It's impossible for a person who don't know the art of self expression, can't do well in dancing. Dance expresses the inner feelings. It's a great workout for both mind and body. It relaxes mind and help it to overcome the stress. It's a great physical exercise in the sense that when we dance, we sweat by which we burn our body fats. This is beneficial both for children, teens and adults. It helps everyone to maintain a proper body shape. It's a fun way of doing exercise.

Those people who are reluctant to do physical exercises, dance is an ideal for them. When we move our body with the music, it gives a relaxation as the presence of music sooths all. Apart from fun, dancing has many healthy benefits. Dancing needs flexibility. It's a most important element of being healthy. Dance requires a great amount of flexibility. The warm up sessions in the beginnings of the dance classes enhances this flexibility factor. Dancers must strive to achieve full range of motion for all the major muscle groups.

The greater the range of motion, the more muscles can flex and extend. Most of the dance moves required bending, stretching and self expression. Another major point of dancing is that it needs strength of body and mind too. Many styles of dance, including jazz and ballet, require jumping and leaping high into the air. Jumping and leaping require tremendous strength of the major leg muscles. Ballroom dancing builds strength. Dancing increases endurance power. It is the power of the body muscles to work for a longer period of time. Ballroom dancing helps the dancer increase endurance as in that form of dancing vigorous body movements are there. Moreover, dancing also helps in social interactions.

As we human are social beings, so this ! sort of interaction is vital in our lives. When we join a particular dance class, we come to know different people. This also builds our confidence level to interact with people. Movement does play a vital role in the developmental process of a child. Dance, as it incorporates body movements, facilitates the mental, physical and cognitive development of the child. children who regularly practice dance, it's been noticed that they develop better immune system, their attention span gets increased and they show great expertise in academics as well.

These are just a few of the benefits children reap from participating in this form of art. The 4 to 5 year old should have acquired the co-ordination and balance of an adult. They should be able to confidently walk and run, negotiate stairs safely, stand on tiptoes, spin in circles and use a swing without anyone pushing. Dance is a blessing for the young toddlers as they develop all these skills by performing dance regularly.

About the Author

The article above has been posted by an SEO team member working with OnlineSchoolAdmissions.Com, a leading portal offering web based school admission solutions to the parents. The portal has a school directory list from where parents can search for Mount Abu Public School Rohini or Mount Olivet School Sant Nagar where they want to admit their child. As per their choice, parents also can search for Mount Saint Garjiya School Najafgarh and can apply to the schools by filling up the application forms online.

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