Affirmations And How To Develop Clairvoyant Psychic Powers

Article by James Whitken

The word clairvoyance has a French origin which means clear vision. Thus, clairvoyants as the name suggests are those kinds of psychics who can clearly see objects, people or events which are otherwise not visible to others through ordinary eyesight.

Moreover, the special sight of the clairvoyants makes it possible for them to view events of the past, present as well as future, going beyond the time horizons of the world.

It must be noted at this point that psychic ability is something that is inherent in each and every individual in this word but most of us are not aware of it. Many clairvoyants call it the sixth sense or ESP (Extra Sensory Perceptions) that is present within our subconscious waiting to be tapped into and developed.

The only difference between the clairvoyant psychics and the common people is that while the former is aware of their abilities and can induce a trance like state where they gain psychic information, the others are unaware and hence cannot do the same.

For some clairvoyants, this is a result of extreme effort towards developing this power while for some it comes naturally, an experience which can be quite scary as one starts seeing strange things.

The Clairvoyant psychic is open to the spirit world and communicates with them to get information and visions. They utilise the energies of the Universe to guide them.

From the countless movies and TV Shows that we have seen on the subject, we have an impression that clairvoyants see crystal clear images in their mind's eye. But the fact is that the visions come to them in a flash, usually coupled with certain strong emotions or feelings attached to it.

They then interpret the information they receive and describe it to the best of their abilities to the person concerned. Usually, these visions help to boost a feeling of hope or assurance for a decision taken by this person in life.

It may not be the case that these visions are always positive in nature. If it happens to be a n! egative one, through psychic readings, the person is suggested alternate avenues to go forward in order to avoid such negative outcome.

Clairvoyant readings are considered to some as a divine way to read a situation or event by breaking through physical barriers such as time and location.

These are irrespective of how intelligent he is or the condition of his five sense organs. It is something that must be tapped into to discover who we as humans truly are and what we are capable of.

Clairvoyant readings are mostly undertaken face to face or over the phone. However, nowadays, readings online, on chat and through video conferencing have also been made possible through the internet. It has essentially helps common people to get help from a clairvoyant whenever required.

Many websites on the internet will lead you to clairvoyant readers providing various types of readings such as for alternate healing, soul healing, past life reading or angel reading. Otherwise, one can also consider the local yellow pages as a source of clairvoyant readers.

Psychic abilities are innate in nature and are possessed by all human beings deep inside their subconscious. Such psychic abilities, known as the sixth sense lead us to see things that are beyond the realms of the physical world. When an individual develops his inner psychic abilities, he can see things that others cannot by tuning into higher frequencies like that of other clairvoyant psychics.

Our basic survival needs only about 10% of our brain's capacity. Since this is what we have been taught and conditioned to do since childhood, we neglect the remaining vast scope of our brain. Hence, use of psychic powers does not come naturally to us.

To boost levels of awareness and expand brain power, a person must practice and mediate. With practice, they can go on to tap into higher planes of consciousness where they will receive their visions and messages.

Moreover, you must also learn to trust your instincts. Your gut feelings shoul! d be pai d due importance for clairvoyance abilities to develop successfully.

A person who is developing their clairvoyance ability should never put dismiss their feelings and instincts. They should not question the logic behind receiving signals from the subconscious mind.

Becoming a clairvoyant takes time and importantly patience. You will face difficulties at first trusting your inner thoughts and instincts but gradually your sixth sense will become stronger and you will become a clairvoyant.

About the Author

Explore the phenomena of becoming clairvoyant by visiting the popular website. Find out about clairaudience for yourself and get a FREE clairvoyance video and audio DVD Package.

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